From the Pastor – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The stewardship way of life could be described as a daily pursuit of the kingdom of heaven. In our Gospel passage from Matthew today, Jesus employs three parables to describe this kingdom.
In the first of today’s parables, our Lord reminds us that living for Him and for His kingdom will be costly. But the deep joy that comes in following Him makes the “price” entailed worth it. Jesus says, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Next, He says the kingdom of heaven is “like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all he has and buys it.”
In each of these stories, the kingdom of heaven is somewhat “hidden.” We must intentionally search for it amidst the noise of the world that bombards us. Yet, our Lord reminds us that His Kingdom is meant for everyone and He wants us to find it! He says, “It is like a net thrown into the sea which collects fish of every kind.”
But Jesus concludes His teaching with a rather ominous image, reminding us that every “fish” will also be judged as good or bad. “The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace.” This is a description that is difficult to forget. Clearly Jesus wants to get our attention.
Let us pray for the wisdom to recognize the kingdom of heaven in our midst and intensify our efforts to pursue it starting right now. There is no time to lose, and we will obtain the immeasurable joy that only comes when we live as disciples of Jesus. ©Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2020.
Pastoral Pondering
First, I want to offer a word of clarification arising from the last installment of these ponderings. The point of my comments was to say that there is more than one side to every story, and we should not simply take things at face value. We need to look for differing opinions and then try to find the truth of the matter in the midst of it rather than just accepting a standard narrative, whether from a politician or a news agency. Folks continued to be confused and fearful. We should not be fearful because it cripples and distorts. We have to strive to face each day, with its challenges, obstacles, and blessings as a gift from God that is to be lived in peace and Christian service.
Secondly, I want to give a shout out to our Faith Formation and Youth ministry departments. While these last few months have been difficult for everyone, it has taken a heavy toll on our young people who oftentimes depend on school and church activities in their day to day lives. Recently, the annual high school and middle school Lifeteen camps were cancelled. Rather than just marking it down as a loss, the youth ministry staff found creative ways to offer opportunities for the teens to engage here at the parish. Likewise, since our summer activities for our younger children had to be cancelled, a Virtual Bible School was developed to engage them. Hence, one of the positive developments of this time has been the discovery of new ways to reach out and help people connect. This approach will continue to be important as we move into the fall months, especially with some of the limitations that are being imposed in the public schools. And even though our Catholic schools plan to be open for in person teaching, organizing instruction effectively and safely will require ingenuity and across-the-board cooperation.
Finally, even with some of the limitations, I hope that every family has the opportunity to enjoy the summer months. Making time for leisure and recreation is important for overall well being. Even if it’s just spending some time on a hike or at the lake, we all need to have time to get away from the day to day routine. Leisure also provides an important opportunity to spend some time in prayer, study and reflection. Our day-to-day lives can be hectic. Don’t forget to “stop and smell the flowers”.