We have lots of great opportunities for you to volunteer!
Please note:Going forward the CMG Connect Training (aka SAFE Environment) is REQUIRED for all Charlotte Diocese parishioner volunteers
who are 18 and older. Please see this website for details:www.stmarknc.org/SAFE. It only takes about 45 minutes and a background check (all is confidential). Please select Category G for Volunteer. It is good for all of us to be trained to be aware and recognize any potential risk of harm to our children.
Please contact Kelly Hammock at kelly.hammock@stmarknc.org for any additional questions or clarification.
URGENT NEED FOR ADULT USHER(S) AT 5:00 MASS SUNDAYS!If you normally attend this Mass and are willing to help us periodically, please let us know. You can receive the simple training at the first Mass in which you serve. It would be greatly appreciated because there is only one regular adult usher currently. It is important that we have multiple adults to allow for a rotating schedule and not put all of the effort on one person. Due to SAFE regulations and the money handling after the collection, it is important to have 2 adults serving as ushers along with the youth ushers. Thank you very much for volunteering to help us. Please find Richard in the Narthex before the Mass or email him atrcclancey@gmail.comif any questions. Or you may contact Paul Boiano atpaulboiano@hotmail.com. Thank you!
Room in the Inn
The season for RITI is starting on Thursday Dec 5thand we will be hosting neighbors 8 times between now and the end of March 2025. Limited number of weeks this time due to availability in the facility!! (Need that new building!!!). Please review the linked Sign-Up Genius for the many many volunteer options! Great service hours for the youth as well (as long as accompanied by an adult). Any role that includes staying with the neighbors does require the SAFE training. Please contact Bob Langbo (rwlangbo@outlook.com) or Sue Bruce (sue.bruce@stmark.org) with any questions. Sign-up here please:Saint Mark Catholic Church
Sleep In Heavenly Peace: SIHP builds beds from scratch, for children in the Iredell County area. Note: "build days" start at 9am, however, if you can volunteer for any portion of the day that is fine. To volunteer please use the:SIGN-UPpage. We look forward to seeing you and working together to meet our mission:No Kid Sleeps on the Floor in Our Town!Remember to bring your own lunch. No experience required, must be with an adult guardian if less than 18 years old. No SAFE Environment requirement necessary. For more info please call or email Tom Vernarsky at 812-204-3946 for details (orTomVernarsky@gmail.com). **Students over the age of 12 are welcome!
Healed and Restored: this ministry is in the process of stocking their food pantry for their clients. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Donations can be canned foods (veggies, soup, fruits, etc), dry goods (pasta, rice, etc), or paper products as well! Please drop off at the Healed and Restored house between 9a – 1p, Monday thru Wednesday. The address is 15712 W NC-73, Huntersville, NC. Please contact Elza Spaedy (info@healedandrestored.org) with any questions.Click here for a donation list.
Angels & Sparrows Literacy Lead Volunteers needed
Starting this fall, Angels & Sparrows is introducing a new literacy initiative for Pathway 3rd-5th graders! Literacy Lead volunteers will work with a small group one night a week from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. throughout the semester. Literacy Leads will facilitate group readings, book discussions, and enrichment activities around several books. We are looking for Leads to serve on Wednesday evenings. Please email Traci Panik (traci@angelsandsparrows.org) to learn more about this exciting new Pathway volunteer opportunity.
Healed and Restored(healedandrestored.org): We are thrilled to announce that we have found the perfect rental property that will become Healed and Restored first home. Healed and Restored has planted its roots in a little farm house in Huntersville not far from where it all began here at St. Mark parish. We are in need of a lot of different donations to make this home a warm and beautiful place for the women we serve. If you feel called to help us in our efforts, please reach out by emailing us atinfo@healedandrestored.orgfor a list of items needed and for different volunteer opportunities, for example help with landscaping and building some raised vegetable garden beds. **Students grades 9-12 are welcome for service hours!
Habitat for Humanity:We are helping Habitat for Humanity in Cabarrus County build 3 houses in Concord on weekdays. No construction experience is required, we will train you for the various tasks of the day. Volunteers must be over the age of 16. No SAFE Environment requirement necessary. Please call or email Tom Vernarsky at 812-204-3946 for details (ortomvernarsky@gmail.com).
Men's Shelter: Men's Shelter of Charlotte, (now known as Roof Above) works to end homelessness. St. Mark volunteers serve meals monthly. On the second Wednesday of every month we prepare, cook and serve dinner to the residents of the located at 1210 North Tryon street in Charlotte. We usually arrive around 4:00 pm to prepare the meal and serve promptly at 6:00 lasting until around 7:30. The residents cleanup so we can leave right after. We typically serve around 125 gentlemen. For more information, contact Carol Palillo,cpalillo1@gmail.comor (704) 363-4128.
Neighborhood C.A.R.E. Center Bike Shop (neighborhoodcc.org): CARE Center Bike Shop works on Tuesdays 5-7 pm and Saturday 10 am -12 noon to help local neighborhood children build bikes. After contributing a certain number of hours, the children are allowed to keep the bike! No technical knowledge required, they can train you on the tasks. Just a desire to work with children – Habla español is a plus!!! Contact Bob Langbo for information, rwlangbo@outlook.com. Students Welcome with adult guardian if under 18!
Volunteer at St. Mark!
These opportunities are ongoing through the year on our campus.
Grounds/Gardening Ministry: Help is needed with various gardening tasks on the grounds. The work is relatively easy, it's outside, and can rack up a lot of service hours pretty quickly. For more information please contact Debbie Haines atdebbiehains@gmail.com. (**Students grades 9-12 are welcome!)
Social Committee: This group coordinates social events for the parish and helps setup and serve refreshments at events. For more information, please contact Debbie Fishbaugh at dafishbaugh@gmail.com.**Students Grades 9-12 Welcome!
Greeters: Greeters welcome everyone attending Saturday and Sunday Masses with a smile and hello. They open doors, distribute Bulletins, and answer simple questions. All that is needed is a positive attitude and a friendly face. Greeters are asked to arrive 30 minutes prior to Mass, and serve 1-2 weekends a month. Anyone is welcome to be a greeter, couples, families, and middle or high school students. Training will be provided to those interested. For more information , please contact Lisa Yelanich atlyelanich@gmail.com.**Students Grades 6-12 Welcome!
Ushers: Ushers are responsible for seating parishioners, collecting offertory, counting parishioner attendance, helping with Communion, and distributing Bulletins after Mass has ended. Ushers must be 16 years and older, and dressed in Mass attire with a name tag. If you'd like to be an Usher, contact John Pecoraro at padgettbusiness@att.net, or 704-905-0211. **Students Grades 9-12 Welcome!
Stewardship Committee:This committee spearheads the promotion of stewardship in the parish through various programs and events. For more information please visit the Stewardship Committee web page.
Perpetual Adoration:Our Lord is waiting to spend an hour with you each week. You are invited to sign up for a weekly holy hour. Our goal is to have at least 2 weekly adorers per holy hour, however all hours are “open”. Please use theAdorationweb page for signup.
Family Fellowship Ministry:Our mission is to bring Catholic families together in fellowship to grow spiritually, connect and build friendships, and serve others in our community. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Michelle Suarez at family.ministry@stmarknc.org
Lectors: Assignment and training of lectors for all regular and Holy Day Masses. If you are interested in learning more, please contact David Haines at tvdavidh@gmail.com
Eucharistic Ministry:Assignment and training of Extraordinary Ministers of Communion for all Masses including Holy Day Masses. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Ralph Wearsch at rwearsch.em@gmail.com, (704) 906-7031
The love of Christ commands us to accompany and evangelize as many people as possible to the eternal happiness of heaven.
At Saint Mark Catholic Church:
We are called as one to embrace a sense of stewardship and engagement, to grow in Christ, serve one another, share our gifts and connect in faith.