From the Pastor – 15 th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel from Matthew, our Lord shares the Parable of the Sower who scatters seed on many different kinds of land. This is a wonderful analogy for the stewardship way of life, demonstrating the slow and steady, yet powerful effect this lifestyle will have on those who fully embrace it.
In this parable, some of the seeds land on a path where birds carry them off before they can begin to take root. Other seeds land on rocky ground with little soil. As soon as things begin to heat up, they get scorched and die. Then there are seeds that land on soil cluttered with thorns which choke the seeds just as they are beginning to grow strong.
Finally, there are seeds that land on deep and healthy soil. These seeds produce abundant fruit.
This is where the stewardship way of life comes in. When we give the best of our time, talent and treasure to serve God and others, we create lives filled with that rare “good soil” needed for the Kingdom of God to thrive.
How does this happen? Stewardship living removes the “rocks” of mistrust from our lives as we develop an unshakable faith that God will always provide for our needs. It clears away the “thorns” of worldly ambition that make us self-centered, fill us with needless anxiety and stifle our focus on God. Stewardship living requires a deep reliance on the Word of God and the sacraments which continuously nourish and fertilize the soil of our lives.
Let us deepen our commitment to this way of life, allowing the Sower to do His work in us, slowly and steadily. The Master Gardner will surely produce miraculous fruits through us. © Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2020
Pastoral Pondering or Masks, Tyranny and Dark Chocolate
At this point we are already at the second Sunday in July. Mid-summer (June 24 th this year) is almost upon us. Still for me, it doesn’t really seem like summer. Except for the warm temperatures, things are pretty much the same as they were a month ago. More people are wearing masks, because that is what the Governor said people should do and many folks are still afraid to wander too far from their homes.
With my background in the natural sciences, I always want to see concrete data that supports decision making and recommendations. However, because this COVID was previously unknown the data has been scarce, and the recommendations have been all over the place. It’s hard then to know what one should do or, as a pastor, to know what to do for the whole. We are observing the Diocesan recommendations based on the CDC recommendations and the Governor’s executive orders, but I am more and more becoming skeptical of the data upon which these things are based.
Swiss Policy Research ( has some interesting facts about COVID-19 that are worth considering. For example, According to the latest immunological and serological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) is about 0.1% and thus in the range of a strong seasonal influenza (flu). The risk of death from a car ride is greater than the threat posed by the virus. And the list goes on. I share this because I do not believe we can always trust the information that we have been given, especially when many are still being told (outside of NC thankfully) that it’s not safe to go to church but completely safe to attend a protest or a Pride parade.
We Christians should never allow ourselves to become lemmings. We need to push back when there are contradictions in what we are hearing. Prudence and wisdom are always called for, but when the authorities lose credibility because of their own words and actions, it’s incumbent up each of us to start asking “what gives?” I’m not saying we shouldn’t wash our hands and take precautions, but we do need to start getting back to normal and opposing the tyranny of popular opinion and political narrative. Rather than turning to dark chocolate (my preference) and letting anxiety and fear rule our lives, we need to once again learn to live in the freedom that belongs to us in Christ Jesus (cf. Galatians 5:1).