From the Pastor – 20 th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Gospel today, from Matthew, reminds us to trust in Him even when it seems He is not answering our prayers.
God wants to lead us to the joy of heaven to spend eternity with Him. For that, we must be strong in faith and live our lives as an act of love and gratitude to Him. In other words, we must allow Him to transform us into saints. This is what the stewardship way of life is meant to do. Sometimes, that will feel painful to us. Often, it will be challenging.
Jesus certainly challenged the Canaanite woman in today’s Gospel passage from Matthew. She called out to Him on behalf of her daughter, who was being tormented by a demon. What did Jesus do in reply to this mother’s desperate plea? Nothing. He “did not say a word in answer to her.” Undeterred, the woman continues to call out to Him, yet He still does not give her what she asks for. Instead, He continues to challenge her faith.
And she rises to the challenge to such an impressive degree that Jesus exclaims, “O woman [a term of deep respect in that day], great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.” Imagine hearing those words proclaimed over us by God. Truly there could be no higher honor than hearing our Lord say that to us.
So we must accept the difficulties that come with the stewardship way of life. Some days will be a true challenge to our trust in God. But those are the days when God is making saints of us.
Let’s embrace the hard days during these difficult times. The deep joy that eventually comes, the eternal reward He promises, will be so worth it. © Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2020.
Pastoral Pondering
In these later days of summer as we prepare for the fall, we find ourselves continuing to be in uncertain waters due to COVD19. Governor Cooper has indicated that Phase II will continue until at least September 11 th . I wanted to address, therefore, how we at St. Mark are trying to move forward is these uncertain waters.
From the beginning of the pandemic, our first priority has been for worship and sacramental ministry. With that in mind, we continue a Communion service on Sunday afternoon along with our regular Mass schedule. The Saturday evening address is considered a “mask only” Mass. We are also looking at the possibility of doing the same thing at the Sunday evening Mass to afford folks the opportunity to sing who may wish to do so. This decision still has to be considered by the Liturgy Commission at this point. With our seminarians returning to school, we are returning to inviting parishioners to assist with the ministries of the Mass, e.g. lecturing, assisting with Communion, and serving. The coordinators of each of these liturgical ministries are communicating procedures.
Our second priority is in the area of evangelization and formation. This includes our faith formation, youth ministry and evangelization outreach. Faith Formation will be meeting virtually for at least the first month of the season. Fidelis and Fraternus have decided to postpone beginning their year until they can return to a normal format. Middle and High School Ministry are developing creative ways to reach their constituents while maintaining a high level of safety. Our evangelization efforts including the Welcome Program and Evangelizing Catholic are both moving forward with their plans for the fall but with necessary modifications.
In addition to these, we as a staff are working on getting back to basics. With all of the uncertainty around us, we need to remember that God is in charge. In order to foster a culture of evangelization at St. Mark, we’ve come to realize the importance of focusing on prayer rather than programs and helping our parishioners learn how to evangelize. The staff has been actively working on this within our own ranks and in the coming weeks, we will be gradually asking parishioners to join us in this endeavor, and you will hear more about this effort in the coming weeks.
Finally, know that you and yours continue to be in my personal prayers. Please pray for me and for the parish as we continue to strive to do the Lord’s will here in Huntersville.