Our Young at Heart Ministry plans, develops, and oversees many social, spiritual, and wellness activities primarily for our parishioners who are 55 and older. Many of our volunteers are under 55, and we even have families with small children who participate in activities like the Friendly Visitor Ministry.
Food, Fellowship, and Fun
Provides an opportunity for adult seniors to connect for a nutritious meal and entertainment.
Contact Pat Seifert, patseifert@msn.com, 704-947-2142.
Health and Wellness Programs
For information on health and wellness opportunities through St. Mark's Young at Heart, check the parish calendar and the bulletin.
Contact: Paula Fischlein, pmf424@yahoo.com, 704-892-1578
Matter of Balance
Matter of Balance is an exercise class that helps improve balance. If you have concerns about falling, please join us. The class is offered in four-week sessions on Tuesday and Thursday from 1-3 pm in Room 200. The class is limited to 15 participants.
Contact: KC Shinners, 704-458-8783.
Alzheimer's Caregiver/Family Support Ministry
St. Mark offers a monthly support group in partnership with the Alzheimer's Association. The group meets the first Monday of each month. These monthly meetings are for the caregivers and family members of people with Alzheimer's. The support group provides much-needed emotional support and information in an environment of trust where the challenges of life can be comfortably shared.
Contact: Janet Urban, jgraceart@yahoo.com or 704-236-7475
Alzheimer's Respite Ministry
The Young at Heart Alzheimer’s Respite Ministry at Saint Mark Catholic Church is for individuals with early to moderate Alzheimer’s. Our dedicated volunteers will fill the need for prayer, friendship and socialization, realizing that meaningful relationships remain possible through all stages of Alzheimer’s. The ministry also provides the all-important need for respite to caregivers while providing their loved ones the opportunity to socialize through prayer, crafts, music and shared memories. For a short video highlighting our sessions, click here.
For a registration form, click here.