As your child prepares for Reconciliation and Eucharist, it is an wonderful time to reflect on the meaning of the Sacraments in your life and the ways in which your family life reflects their importance. As you seek to make the sacraments central in your family's life, the children will learn to place Jesus first.
Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion is a two year process that ordinarily takes place in 1st and 2nd Grade. When the parents and catechist determine the readiness of the child, the celebration of Reconciliation always precedes the celebration of First Communion. Preparation for these two sacraments are distinct.
In 2nd grade, there is an additional fee of $50.00 per child for children preparing for First Communion. This fee helps the parish cover expenses for the liturgical celebration, paperwork processing, certificate, etc.
All registration forms for First Communion students must have a copy of the child’s baptismal certificate, even if it was previously provided.
Questions about the Sacrament Preparation and First Reconciliation and Communion can be directed to Maddie Torres at