Parish Life Commission


The Parish Life Commission fosters and supports a parish family environment that welcomes and provides fellowship and Christian support to our individual families and thus to our collective parish family. The goal of the commission is to get to know our family members and create an inclusive environment for all. The commission attempts to meet both the spiritual and social needs of families. 

Contact: Karen Donahue:

Alphabetical Listing

After the Boxes - Women's Newcomers

After the Boxes Mission Statement: To challenge, to support and encourage women in transition, connecting them to Christ, church, and community.

Meetings: Two 10 week sessions a year, starting in September and January.

Where: Monsignor Joseph A Kerin Family Center

For more information please contact: Catherine, 704-340-6234 or email

Child Receiving Communion

Bereavement Support

Join us in our Bereavement Support Sessions beginning in September for 8 consecutive weeks.

If you need to speak with someone sooner, please contact Deacon Rich McCarron at or call the Office at 704-948-0231.

For more information please visit: The Bereavement Support page.

Coffee and Conversation

Tuesday after the 9am Mass in the Monsignor Kerin Family Center

Please join us for a cup of coffee, friendship and fellowship with others who are attending morning Mass. We meet in the Parish Hall. We do not meet from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

Divorce Support

A group of men and women whose common purpose is to survive the difficulties of separation and divorce. We will gather to support each other to pray and share experiences that might be helpful to one another.

Meetings are Monday at 7 pm in room 204.

For more information please visit: The Divorce Support Page

Family Ministry

Our mission is bring Catholic families together in fellowship to grow spiritually, connect and build friendships, and serve others in our community. Visit the Family Ministry page.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact Michelle Suarez at

Finance Council

The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body of lay persons established to advise the Pastor in matters, pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish.

For more information please visit: the Finance Council page

Home School

Our mission is to encourage an environment in which Catholic home school families and children grow in faith, build a faithful home, church, collaborate in works of service to one another and the outside community, advance in knowledge academically and liturgically, and form virtuous and supportive Catholic friendships.

For more information please contact Diana Smith at

Knights of St. Joseph

The Knights of St. Joseph is a group of parishioners who serve at weekend and daily Masses and at various special events on campus. We observe quietly and are prepared to step in when first aid and security needs arise. Volunteers must be 18 years or older. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at, and a member of our team will be in touch.

Marriage Ministry

Providing support for married couples to strengthen their relationships in accordance to the catholic faith.

Please contact Mario Sacasa,, or Christine Wisdom,

More information can be found at the Marriage Ministry page.

Mothering with Grace

If you're a mother seeking inspiration, encouragement, spiritual growth, and fellowship in your journey of motherhood, Mothering With Grace (MWG) is for you' all mothers are welcome!

The St. Mark chapter meets on Friday mornings, Lap infants are always welcome.

Please email to be added to the email list, and with any questions about our group

You can find more information on the: Mothering With Grace page.

Pastoral Council

A parish pastoral council is the chief consultative body to the pastor. Consultation is a sharing of wisdom which enables the parish to carry out its mission. Under the direction of our Pastor, the pastoral council discerns issues that impact the lives of parishioners, pray studies, and discusses those issues, and recommends practical ways of addressing them.

For more information please visit the: Pastoral Council page.

Prayer Shawl

This is a group of dedicated ladies at St Mark who meet twice a month to pray and fellowship together as we knit and crochet prayer shawls for those suffering through a time of transition, crisis or need. Our shawls go to the Levine & Dickson Hospice Houses in Huntersville and in Charlotte, Rachel's Vineyard Retreat and Parish members. The group also makes baby blankets that go to area NICUs and Mira Via.

You can assist this Ministry by becoming a member and sharing your talents with us, donating yarn or making a monetary donation to aid in the purchase of yarn, For more information, contact Liz Hoegler at

Rosary Makers-Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Did you know that here at St. Mark we have a ministry devoted to making Rosaries for those making First Communion, Confirmation, and for those being Baptized? We also send Rosaries to other places that are in need. What a beautiful way to share our talent while evangelizing the Rosary.

Everyone is welcome! Whether you are a beginner (We will teach you) or someone who has been making Rosaries for years, we need you!

So, If you enjoy making things with your hands and have devotion to the Blessed Mother, and the Rosary please consider becoming part of this ministry.

If you have any questions or if you know anyone in need of a Rosary please contact Valerie Selkirk at

Meetings are once a month on Monday afternoons.

Social Committee

This group coordinates social events for the parish and helps setup and serve refreshments at events.

For more information or the Signup Genius link, please click the link below.

For more information about the program please visit: Social Committee page.

Stewardship Committee

This committee spearheads the promotion of stewardship in the parish through various programs and events.

For more information please visit: The Stewardship Committee page.

Widows Group

Widows meet weekly for support and fellowship. 

For information, contact Karen Lynn at

Widowers Group

The Widowers Support Group meets to provide support, encouragement, advice, and fellowship to help move forward after our life changing event.

Contact Dominick Golino, for more information

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