Get Involved in Parish Life

As a member of St. Mark Catholic Church, we strive to create a Parish where each member feels like a part of the Parish family and is actively involved in Church activities. We understand and love the Catholic Faith and what makes it special. We are Eucharist-centered, and want to share the love of Christ with others through our actions, not just words.

Below is a list of the many ways in which to participate with our fellow parishioners. These groups are listed by Commissions for our organizational purposes and your convenience. It is our hope that you will make an intentional decision to give of your time in prayer, to serve our church in ministry and community outreach, to share the resources and gifts that God has given you with others and to connect with one another through your faith. We are thankful for your loving sacrifices and look forward to getting to know you.

If you wish to get involved and have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Stewardship Coordinator, Karen Donahue at or 704-948-0231 ext. 136.

Complete Ministry Listing

Communications Commission

Bulletin Team


Young at Heart Ministry

Alzheimer's Caregiver/Family Support Ministry

Alzheimer's Respite Ministry


Health-Wellness Programs

Liturgy and Worship Commission

Altar Servers

Altar Society

Arts and Environment

Charismatic Prayer Group

Divine Mercy Cenacle

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion



Monthly Mass/ Assisted Living Facility 

Music Ministry

Parking Team

Perpetual Adoration

Prayer Chain Ministry

Rosary Group

Teen Liturgy Mass


Parish Life Commission

"After the Boxes"-Women Newcomers

Bake Sale

Bereavement Support - Lazarus Ministry

Coffee and Conversation

Finance Council

Grounds Ministry

Home School Ministry

Mothering with Grace

Pastoral Council

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Rosary Making Ministry

Small Groups

Social Committee

Stewardship Committee

Education Commission

Be a Man




Life Teen

Men's Bible Study

Men's Fellowship Group

RCIA (Adults)

Women of Joy Prayer & Scripture Study

Young Adult Ministry

Community Life Commission

Angels and Sparrows (Soup Kitchen)

Catholic Charities Food Pantry Collection

Charitable Donations

Coat, Blanket and Toy Drive

Habitat for Humanity

Hope House

Lake Norman Community Health Clinic

Men's Shelter of Charlotte

Mira Via 

Missions Coordinator

Respect Life

Room in the Inn (RITI)

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Spiritual Growth

Outreach and Service

Adult Leaders and Educators

Administration and Facilities

Serve at Mass and Liturgy

Youth Ministry

Support Groups

Social and Fellowship

Parish Committes

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