The Education Commission of St. Mark Catholic Church coordinates all levels of educational programming and spiritual growth opportunities, for all parishioners, including faith formation and sacramental preparation for Catholic and public school children. The ultimate goal of these programs is to create disciples of Jesus Christ who, through growing in love, knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith, will live a life that will be a light to the world.
"And Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...'" - Matthew 28:18-20
St. Mark offers several opportunities for Adult Education, for men, women, and young adults. Small groups are also available in the Spring and fall.
For more information regarding Faith Formation please visit: Adult Education & Evangelization page
Formal Faith Formation for your child begins in 1st grade. Our 1st-5th Grade program uses Christ our Life by Loyola Press. This Curriculum integrates the fundamental themes of the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as Scriptures and Catholic Social Teachings. During the weekly classes the students will have opportunities to incorporate their learnings and understandings through hands-on activities, games, skits and discussions.
For more information please visit: The Elementary Faith Formation page
St. Mark Catholic Church is pleased to use a three-year preparation process for Confirmation which engages young men and women through youth ministry, according to the policies of the Diocese of Charlotte. A three-year process has the advantage of allowing catechists, sponsors, and parents to draw our youth closer to Christ as they Prepare for full initiation into the Church through Conformation. The three-year preparation process ordinarily begins after a child's completion of their fifth grade year of Faith Formation, and consists in a period of remote preparation (catechetical instruction) and proximate preparation (spiritual and liturgical preparation for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation). This process takes place within our Edge Middle School Youth Ministry or within our Fidelis and Fraternus programs (for those attending Catholic schools and enrolled in approved homeschool programs).
While the catechesis and intellectual formation of Catholic school students and those enrolled in Homeschool faith formation is essential, it is not a substitute for involvement in parish life and engagement in a community of peers through youth ministry. The parish life is the central place for proximate preparation before the conferral of the sacrament.
For more information please visit: The Confirmation Page
Edge is a Catholic middle school youth ministry program. It provides a safe fun place for youth to find solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith, and most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way. edge resources speak to the physical, cognitive, recreational, and spiritual maturation of middle school youth.
At Saint Marks, Edge middle school youth ministry is ordinarily where Confirmation Preparation takes place.
For more information please visit: The Middle School/ Confirmation Faith Formation Page
A parish-based mentoring program for boys in 6th-12th grades.
For more information please visit: The Fidelis page
A parish-based mentoring program for boys in 6th-12th grades.
For more information please visit: the Fraternus page
Life Teen is an international Catholic high school youth group movement that serves the Church by providing resources and faith experiences that help lead teens closer to christ. We accomplish this through a vibrant Eucharistic spiritually and by creating opportunities for teens to grow in their faith.
Our goal is to reach out to teens on four levels spiritual, emotional, social, and educational. We meet each Sunday after the 5:00PM mass at the Parish Hall, where we have some time for fellowship over a free meal, After dinner, we move into our Life Night which may be about a relevant issue, an educational teaching or just about having fun in asocial atmosphere.
The Saint Mark Be A Man group hopes to encourage all men to embrace their vocations by being faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church and by reclaiming their duties as men in all aspects of life. We meet on Thursday evenings from 7 to 9pm.
If you have any questions please contact Rod Brostrom,
More information can be found at www.stmark/
Men meet regularly for a selected course of Bible Study. All men are welcome. We start and end the class with prayer and we are currently studying the Book of Genesis.
100% is never required, we know people have other duties to fulfill.
For any questions, please contact Ray FitzGerald,, (704)-922-1702
Our purpose is to discuss our lives in the light of our faith and share our experiences through friendship, prayer, and fraternity. Our meetings are centered around specific topics with applicable Scripture and Catechism readings. our gal is to grow closer to Christ and reinforce his values in our lives and homes.
If you have any questions please reach out to either:
John Benson,
Sean McSweeney,
Starting your child with a catholic education is more than just knowledge- it is the inspiration for a life long journey.
To learn more please visit: The Preschool page.
RCIA is also a great opportunity for Catholics to come to know their faith in a new and engaging way. If you're looking to review the basics and go deeper in your relationship with Christ, consider joining us for RCIA to grow in your knowledge and love of Jesus.
For more information please visit: RCIA page
Children who are not baptized (age 7 and up) will participate in our RCIA program for children. This weekly parent/child class provides age appropriate understanding of our Catholic Faith for our students, specifically nurturing the child's relationship with Christ. It is through this weekly class, students will be prepared to enter the Church through the Sacrament of baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Children who are baptized (3 to 8th grade) but have not received the Sacrament of Reconciliation and/or Eucharist will begin a one year program. A discernment process will also be included to determine whether the child is ready to receive the Eucharist.
Volunteers are needed to provide hot meals for dinner, setup and serving, cleaning up on Wednesday mornings, and driving neighbors to and from Urban Ministries.
For more information about the program please visit: RCIA Children & Teens page.
Mary's Women of Joy is a ministry offering prayer and the Catholic study of scripture and Church teachings. Through both prayer and study, this ministry encourages and supports women in our spiritual growth, understanding, and embrace of the Catholic faith. our ministry is faithful and obedient to the Magisterium of the Church and receptive to the work of the Holy Spirit. We joyfully strive to integrate fullness and beauty of our faith into our lives, while fulfilling our God-given vocations to know, to love, and to serve god within our families, parishes, and community.
For more information please visit: Mary's Women of Joy page.
Open to all parishioners in their 20's and 30's to focus on spiritual development, community engagement and social events.
For more information please visit: The Young Adult Group Page