From the Pastor – 17 th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s Gospel reading recounts Jesus’ miracle of feeding the multitude. In a miracle that anticipated Jesus’ miracle of feeding the multitude, as reported in today’s Gospel, Elisha commanded that a small amount of bread be served to 100 men, and Jesus promised that all would indeed be fed. Elisha trusted that promise, acted upon it, and saw the promise miraculously fulfilled. We, like most people, tend to forget the miracles our Lord can work in everyday life. If we trust in God and live as good stewards, what we accomplish is, in its own way, a miracle.
St. Paul beautifully sums up how our approach to living as Catholics and Christians should be. In today’s Second Reading from his letter to the Ephesians, Paul urges us to live “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of spirit through the bond of peace: one body and one Spirit.” Does that describe our parish community?
This cannot happen unless we have the same kind of trust that Elisha had, and which St. Paul had, as well. Paul also says in today’s Second Reading, “I urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received.” This is stewardship at its core. We should not give of our time, talent and treasure because we want to earn God’s love. He already loves us unconditionally.
Jesus knew full well what miracle He was about to perform, but He also saw this as a chance to teach His Apostles, and also show us the way. Philip and the others had already seen Jesus perform many miracles, and there should have been no question in his mind about the divine resources Jesus had at His disposal. Yet Philip hesitated. It is human nature to be doubtful. Yet, as with Elisha, they all ate, and there was much left over. Through this miracle, Jesus is teaching us to trust Him and to do the same in our lives. And, by committing ourselves to a stewardship way of life, we can see our own gifts multiplied. And perhaps even perform our own modern-day miracles.
Copyright © 2018 — Catholic Stewardship Consultants, Inc.
Pastoral Pondering
I thought I would use this week’s bulletin to respond to some of the questions that have come in from the “Ask Father” link on the website.
1. If I recall a sin from many years ago that I didn’t recall at the time when I went to confession, should I confess that sin now or am I already absolved? This is a good question and one that actually comes up fairly often. The simply answer is as long as it was not an intentional omission it would be taken care of. I normally suggest that penitents, at the end of confession, say “for these sins, any sins I cannot remember and all of the sins of my past life, I ask pardon and penance.” This covers everything. I would also say that on occasion the Holy Spirit brings things up that have been addressed in confession but perhaps still have some residual effects in the soul. It never hurts to explain this to the confessor and mention it at the next confession.
2. If a lifelong Catholic is conscious and aware when he receives the Apostolic Blessing (part of the reception of Viaticum), and dies three days later, do we pray for his soul? The Apostolic Blessing offers the remission of all sins and the plenary indulgence. However, the reception of it does not negate the importance of prayer for the faithful departed because purification must occur both from the temporal punishment due to sin already forgiven but also from attachments to this world. We all need some type of purification. Sometimes this is done in this life, but for most of us some will need to be done in the life to come. Nonetheless, the Apostolic Blessing provides a source of grace and blessing from the spiritual treasury of the Church, and for that reason it is important to ask to receive as soon as death is approaching or when there is a significant danger of dying, e.g. serious surgery. Any time we are seriously ill, we should request and receive confession and the Anointing of the Sick.
3. I heard an announcement at church a while back asking for boys to sign up to serve the weekly Latin Mass. Is there a reason that girls were not included? In July of 2007 Pope Benedict XVI allowed for the celebration of the Usus Antiquior or the Mass of 1962 (Pope John XXIII). In the instructions for the implementation of that document, it was made clear that the liturgical norms in force at the time were to be observed. Since the allowance of girls as servers was prohibited until 1994, they are prohibited from serving at the Old Mass. This is why the announcement indicated a request for boys to serve.
The 1994 interpretation and subsequent explanation noted that girls are permitted to serve but bishops are not bound to allow it. Moreover, priests can choose whether or not to allow this service at the altar. As the letter pointed out: “It will always be very appropriate to the follow the noble tradition of having boys serve at the altar. As is well known, this has led to a reassuring development of priestly vocations. Thus, the obligation to support such groups of altar boys will always continue.” Here at St. Mark we have a dedicated group of boys and girls who volunteer to serve. With the exception of the Old Mass where the prohibition remains in place, that practice will continue, and we are appreciative of the dedicated service offered.