From the Pastor – 16 th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Most are familiar with the scriptural quote from Psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd. There is nothing I shall want.” This passage serves as the Responsorial Psalm on this 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time because it supports the other readings with two key ideas: that we must place our trust in the Lord, and that we inherit life from our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
At the time St. Paul was writing his Letter to the Ephesians (our Second Reading), Paul was under house arrest in Rome and awaiting trial. He was allegedly accused by the Jews of taking a Gentile into a temple. Therefore, part of Paul’s statement, “For he (Christ) is our peace, he who made both one and broke down the dividing wall of enmity, through his flesh, abolishing the law with its commandments and legal claims,” is saying essentially the Lordship of Jesus is not greater than any difference you may feel you have with others — that Jesus is our Savior and our Shepherd.
In the Gospel Reading from Mark, the idea of shepherding lies at the heart. “When he (Jesus) disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.” In other words, He began to feed them with the Word of God. That is what we do during this part of our Mass; we hear Holy Scripture. These are the Words of the Lord. He is our shepherd. We are His sheep.
As always, Jesus teaches us a valuable lesson about stewardship through today’s readings. To the Lord, the needs of others were more important than His own. When we share our time, our talents, and our treasure, we are not only following our Good Shepherd, we are also living His Gospel call to shepherd others by giving of ourselves.
Pastoral Pondering
I want to thank all of those who generously gave of their time and resources to help us meet our Rise Against Hunger goal last week. The 100,000 meals that were packaged will bring life-giving food to the most needy and vulnerable. This weekend we welcome Father Cyrus Gallagher, a priest representing Unbound Ministries which was founded in 1981 to provide assistance to needy children around the world. The work of Unbound is solidly rooted in Catholic Social Teaching. Father Gallagher is here to share about their good work and invite those who feel called to cooperate in their outreach.
In the July 6 th issue of the Catholic News Herald the front page focused on the recent immigration issues, especially helping separated families. My sense from talking to a number of people is that there is some confusion regarding what the Church teaching regarding this matter is and how we, as Catholics, should be responding.
First and foremost, Catholic Social Teaching is based on our fundamental belief, deeply rooted in the natural law, that each human person is created in the image and likeness of God. Each person then has inherent dignity which should guide all of our interactions within the human community.
With that being said, we also believe in the right of the state to enact laws that protect the good of society at large. Securing our borders would certainly fall into that category. Such laws have to be evaluated as to their moral (or immoral) value.
The flashpoint of the most recent debate has focused on separating children from families who have entered the country illegally. Bishops have spoken out about the injustice of such a policy and certainly, Pope Francis has been clear about his support of immigration. Obviously, the Church supports families and family unity.
Nonetheless, it would behoove everyone to step back and take a more circumspect view of this particular situation. Most importantly, it is necessary to have reasonable discussions without demonizing those who disagree with one position or another. Evidence suggests that many children are used and abused by the adults who benefit from illegal immigration. Kidnapping, Human trafficking, and drug trafficking are realities that also need to be addressed among others.
The government certainly needs to listen to the voices of those who raise legitimate concerns about the morality of policies, but the converse is also true. Those who raise concerns need to make sure that they have a clear understanding of all of the facts that impact the issues at hand. And, as I pointed out last week, civil discourse is essential to reaching a common goal. It respects the dignity of each person and realizes that individuals and groups of individuals can disagree but at the same time work towards solutions that benefit everyone.