From the Parochial Vicar - August 12, 2018
In today’s Gospel, we continue the Lord’s “Bread of Life Discourse” from the Gospel of St. John in which Jesus speaks of his flesh and blood as being true food and drink, pointing to the Holy Eucharist which he will institute at the Last Supper. He speaks of the Eucharist’s lifegiving power in view of the manna in the desert that did not give life. “Manna” literally means, “What is it?” in Hebrew. More than just being flaky bread, it was a miraculous bread from heaven that tasted like anything the eater wanted it to taste like. The Israelites became fed up with this bread. Rather than turning their hearts to the giver of the bread, they continued to see it as something that pleased their tastes and appetites. They began by appreciating the bread, but never turned their appreciating to the giver of the bread. The manna became despicable to them. In the Eucharist, however, the giver and the gift are the same: Jesus’ Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.
Last week, I wrote about our youth ministry programs as being a way to build up our youth and young adults as the Church of now, rather than the Church of tomorrow. These programs of dedicated youth and adults create an environment where each participant can be lead more deeply into the mystery of the life of the Church. And at the center of the Church’s life is the Eucharist. In the last year here at Saint Mark, I have three distinct memories of the power of the Eucharist in the life of our youth.
Shortly after I arrived, our high school youth minister asked if the priests and deacons would assist at an “XLT Night.” Rather than gathering for activities and small group discussions, we headed into the church where a deacon and our Psalm 150 group led the high schoolers in Exposition, Adoration, and Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament. We had nearly 100 young people adoring the Lord with their hearts, bodies, and voices. As they worshipped the Lord in prayer and song, we priests were available for Confession. And did they come! One after another, I noticed the particular tenderness and loving affection with which they confessed their sins and resolved to overcome their weaknesses. The only explanation is that the light of grace coming from worshipping the Lord in the Eucharist—of making the Eucharist the central focus of their lives that night—enlightened their hearts and minds allowing them to humbly and confidently confess their sins to the Lord.
Likewise, I was privileged to provide music one evening for adoration with our middle school Edge Youth Ministry program. The youth gathered for a simpler, but similar experience as I described above. Do we not sometimes expect our children will become bored by long periods of prayer and adoration? To the contrary, what I saw was true devotion in our youth. The reverently prayed, sang, and adored our Lord with great affection. Afterwards, one of our Confirmation students came up to me and, after expressing his surprise that I play guitar, simply said, “Father, I forgot how much peace I find when I am with Jesus. He reminded me that I need to pray more and try harder to listen to my mom and dad.” Jesus moves our lives when we humbly approach him with open hearts.
Lastly, and most recently, I had the opportunity of going as chaplain to our Fidelis Inspire camp this summer. Fidelis Inspire / Fraternus Ranch is a four-day camp that allows the sisters and brothers (6 th to 12 th grade) to take a break from their normal summer activities to grow in fraternity. The young women gather at one camp and the young men at another. During this time they participate in talks, discussions, team building activities, and outdoor fun (high ropes, whitewater rafting, horseback riding, etc.). The last night of Fidelis Inspire, we had Adoration and Benediction. During this time, I led the young ladies in a Eucharistic healing service, which provided them with the opportunity to acknowledge any wounds and hurts in their life and then turn it all over to Jesus, the Divine Physician. At the end, the girls had the option of remaining with our Lord in silence or going to the end-of-the day-campfire. Many of the young women freely stayed until it become so late that I had to take the Eucharist back to the chapel of repose. At the end of our time together, the girls had an opportunity to share their stories. Many of them spoke about how, out of all the activities and fun things we did, adoration was the most powerful. One even said, “That was the happiest moment of Inspire. The saddest was when Fr. Carter has to take Jesus away.” Would that we all shared the same sentiments when leaving the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist!
From books and classes, we can learn about the doctrines and dogmas of the Holy Eucharist. At our Sunday Masses, we can hear the Scripture proclaimed about what Jesus said concerning the Blessed Sacrament, like we hear today. We can then listen to the priest or deacon preach about the importance of the Eucharist. In youth ministry, however, we have the august task of taking our young people deeper into a living relationship with the source and summit of the life of the Church. And as they look upon Christ in the little Host, Christ looks back at them and smiles saying, “Here is one of my own.”