Pastoral Council

What is the Pastoral Council? 

A parish pastoral council is the chief consultative body to the pastor. Consultation is a sharing of wisdom which enables the parish to carry out its mission. Under the direction of our Pastor, the pastoral council discerns issues that impact the lives of parishioners; prays, studies, and discusses those issues; and recommends practical ways of addressing them.

Selecting new leaders to serve the Parish Pastoral Council is an important moment in the life of the community. Pastoral Council members are called upon to reflection the life of the Parish in light of the mission of the Church and to assist the Pastor in bringing greater life and vibrancy to the parish.

If you are interested in being a part of the Pastoral Council, please contact Father John Putnam at

Former Council Chairs

1998 - 1999  Christopher Cusick
1999 - 2000  Pattie Fulford
2000 - 2001  Tom Cotter
2001 - 2002  Tom Grogan
2002 - 2003  Claudette Kaveler
2003 - 2004  David Hains
2004 - 2005  George Welsch
2005 - 2006  Ben Liuzzo
2006 - 2007  Lou Agosto
2007 - 2009  Tom Donahue
2009 - 2010  Eileen Gallagher
2010 - 2011  Kim Antolini
2011 - 2012  Chuck Chrimes
2012 - 2013  Marianne Bottoms
2013 - 2014  Jane Flyke
2014 - 2016 Larry Hauser
2016 - 2017 David Spaedy
2017 - 2022 John Benson

2022 - present John Ferrannini

Pastoral Council 2024-2025

John Ferrannini (Chair)

Year 4

Tricia Sisson (Vice-Chair)

Year 3

Patrick Slusser (Secretary)

Year 3

David Balmaceda
Year 7

Chad Wilson

Year 4

Fernando De Urquidi

Year 3

William Mooney

Year 3

Devon Atkins

Year 2

Mark Antoszyk

Year 1


Jairo I. Cadena, Jr.

Year 1


Chris Fernandez

Year 1


Mike Garcia

Year 1

Scott Matey

Year 1


Joslin Gust

Year 1

Itsel Gomez

Year 1

Pastoral Council Information

Pastoral Council Documents

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