We have been given so many gifts and blessings by our Heavenly Father. Yet, in our fallen state it is all too easy to take them for granted. Our readings today teach us that we must live with an intentional awareness of our many blessings and use them gratefully to glorify God.
In our Gospel passage from Matthew, Jesus uses the image of a vineyard to teach the importance of using our blessings well. He tells the story of a landowner who plants a vineyard and leases it to tenants before he goes on a journey. Instead of tending the vineyard, the tenants mistreat the servants in the vineyard and even the son of the landowner, whom they kill. When the landowner realizes what the tenants have done, he puts them to death and leases his vineyard to tenants who “will give him the produce at the proper times.”
By Baptism, we have received the gift of salvation and membership in Kingdom of God — we are now “tenants” called to work in the “vineyard” and produce fruit for its owner, our Heavenly Father. Jesus makes it clear that if we squander the gift of salvation, we will lose it. It is a sobering truth.
So, let us use our intellect to think on these gifts throughout the day and resolve to use all our gifts for God’s glory. © Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2023.
Pastoral Pondering
I love the autumn weather. However, as soon as October arrives, time seems to start moving faster! We are already looking ahead to Thanksgiving and Christmas, and our various charitable efforts will begin in the not too distant future. Thanks to all of you who have responded to our efforts with Walking with Mothers and the diaper drive that is occurring this weekend. These efforts can make significant differences in the lives of mothers and babies in need.
Even though the national elections are not until next year, there has already been lots of coverage of what those might look like. What this often does is eclipse the very important local elections that often have far greater impacts on our lives than do those at the higher levels. Regardless of the type of elections that are occurring, Catholic Social Teaching, as expressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and documents issued by the United States Bishops, Catholics have an obligation to get involved in the public square and bring their faith to bear in that arena.
This November 7 Huntersville will be electing a new mayor and town board. Additionally, there will be an election for an at-large seat on the Mecklenburg County Schoolboard. As with all elections, it’s important for us to support candidates who uphold, or at least not oppose, the Church’s teachings on the dignity of the human person, marriage, and family. For this reason, I have encouraged parishioners to get engaged in the process or even put themselves forward as candidates for office.
Town governments usually focus on roads, public safety and the like. However, in recent years, there have been efforts on the part of some elected officials and activists to promote anti-family policies such as gender ideology, under the guise of equality, that could undermine the religious liberty of Catholics and other people of faith, especially those who operate businesses according to strongly held religious beliefs. Such an effort was tabled last year, assisted hopefully by St. Mark’s engagement in the matter, but are sure to be brought up in the future. Separately, the CMS Board already embraces such policies, and it is important that other pro-family voices be added to the mix on the school board.
Thankfully, for both races, there are candidates – including parishioners of St. Mark - committed to good governance and the promotion of policies that will make our community and our schools safer and more welcoming for families and children. Local county and municipal politics can have long-term impacts that should be a concern to every person of faith. Hence, doing your personal research and learning where the candidates stand on critical issues is imperative if we hope to promote a culture that appreciates the good, the true and the beautiful, including respecting those laws that promote family life and the strengthening of marriage, family, and religious freedom.
The candidates’ positions on these matters of importance are not always easy to find. Some have been very quiet about the positions they support. In these cases, it is helpful to look at the position statements of their party and the laws that the particular party supports and promotes. I encourage you to get to know the candidates who are running so that the decisions we make at the ballot box can be informed and supportive of those who support our faith and values. Don’t be a bystander. Get involved.