Today we come to the end of the liturgical year, celebrating the magnificent feast of the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Our readings provide contrasting images of this King of ours — He has authority over each and everything, and yet, He is humble and tender in His care for us, especially the most vulnerable.
How can we properly honor and love such a King? By offering Him our very lives through the stewardship way of life.
The Gospel passage from Matthew shows us how. The passage begins with Christ’s own description of His Second Coming, “When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him.” Then the moment of judgment will come. Some will be invited into the Kingdom of Heaven — the others to eternal punishment.
This judgment will be based not on how influential we became in society, how high we climbed the corporate ladder, or any “worldly” achievements. Rather our judgment will be based on how we treated the least of those around us, whom Jesus calls His brothers. “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.” To make His point very clear, Jesus gives specifics — feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, showing hospitality to the stranger, and caring for the ill and imprisoned.
The more deeply we embrace the stewardship way of life, the more closely our priorities will align with His. © Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2023
Pastoral Pondering
Hopefully, the food fog has lifted by now and the last of the leftovers have been consumed and Black Friday passed without injury or incident. This Sunday brings us to the end of the Church year as we celebrate Jesus Christ King of the Universe. Kingship and Lordship are perhaps difficult concepts for the contemporary thinker, but they are apt images of our human relationship with the Divine. While some like to think of God as a buddy or pal. We should never reduce the Almighty to categories that are beneath the Divine dignity. Jesus did indeed take on flesh and become one of us to be Our Savior and our friend. At the same time, He did not do so to become more like us, but that we might become more like Him. Truly making Him Lord of our lives means more and more dying to ourselves so that His reflection can shine through us. This requires identifying the unhealthy attachments in our lives and asking Him for the grace to break them so that we can live in the freedom of God’s children. He will give the necessary grace if we are humble and sincere in asking.
A couple of weeks back the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith made public a response that they had given to a question posed by a Brazilian bishop regarding those persons identifying as transgender and whether any such person would be eligible for baptism and, beyond that, might stand as a godparent for baptism. The document was signed both by the prefect of the Dicastery, Cardinal Fernandes and Pope Francis. Hence, it generated quite a bit of interest and, for some, confusion.
The media, of course, seized on the release to garner headlines by saying that the Pope had approved baptism for transgendered people and opened the door to gay marriage, etc., etc. Hence, I thought I would look at the document and note what it actually says. None of the responses presented were new, in that, they echoed previous responses from the dicastery. However, because it was released publicly and signed by the Pope, it was released to get attention.
In discussing baptism, the document notes: In the case of Baptism, the Church teaches that when the sacrament is received without repentance for grave sins, the subject does not receive sanctifying grace, although he or she does receive sacramental character. The Catechism states, "This configuration to Christ and the Church, brought about by the Spirit, is indelible; it remains forever in the Christian as a positive disposition to grace, as a promise and guarantee of divine protection, and as a vocation to divine worship and service to the Church." (Catechism, 1121)
At the same time, as the Holy Father often points out, Baptism is the doorway of grace. If someone comes, sincerely requesting the life-giving waters, the sacrament should normally be offered. There is power in the sacraments and grace that can bring about transformation and conversion. The Holy Father focuses on the abundance of God’s mercy and rightly so. At the same time, as with all of the sacraments, prudence and discernment are necessary. In these situations, true accompaniment would be helpful to walk with the person as they discern and hearken to God’s call.