MACS Family Participation

MACS Family Participation

Participation in stewardship efforts is expected as we work to pass on and celebrate the faith with our children. We expect each family to be involved in at least one aspect of parish ministry or outreach. We ask that you commit to something, whether it be supporting a collection drive, serving at the Liturgy, attending a meal packaging event or participating in the many other opportunities for service that the parish provides or sponsors.

For questions about these requirements, please contact Sue Bruce at

Commitment Letter for MACS Families

Please see the 2025/26 commitment letter and print,
sign and return if you have not already done so

Stewardship Directory

Please see the list below of the many ways in which you and your family can participate in the life of the parish. For additional information about these groups, and to contact their coordinator, visit or our Stewardship Directory at . Please contact the coordinator of the group you wish to serve in a particular ministry if you are not already participating in something at Saint Mark Catholic Church.

“After the Boxes" - Women Newcomers

Altar Servers

Altar Society

Alzheimer's Caregiver/ Family Support Group

Alzheimer's Respite Ministry

Ancient Order of Hibernians

Angel Tree (Christmas Gifts for the Needy)

Angels and Sparrows (Soup Kitchen)

Be a Man

Bereavement Support - Lazarus Ministry

Boy Scouts Troop 97 / Cub Scouts Pack 97

Bulletin Team

Coat/Blanket and Toy Drive

Coffee and Conversation

Divine Mercy Cenacle


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Hispanic

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Homebound


Finance Council

Food / Fun / Fellowship 55+



Habitat for Humanity

Health-Wellness Programs 55+

Homeschool Ministry

Hope House

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus - Ladies Auxiliary

Lake Norman Community Health Clinic


Life Teen

Mary's Women of Joy Prayer and Scripture Study

Men's Bible Study

Men's Fellowship Group

Men's Shelter of Charlotte

Mira Via

Music Ministry


OCIA (adults)

Offertory Counters

Parking Team

Pastoral Council

Perpetual Adoration

Prayer Chain Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Respect Life

Room in the Inn

Rosary Group

Rosary Making Ministry

Small Groups

Social Committee

Stewardship Committee

Teen Liturgy Mass

Thanksgiving Food Drive


Young Adult Ministry

MACS Family Participation

Mass Participation: Weekly Mass Attendance is required as a Catholic.  It is no longer acceptable to watch Mass online.

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