Throughout the Easter season, our readings have given us glimpses into the life of the newborn Church and the bold witness of the early disciples in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to all who would listen. The disciples were the first to live a stewardship way of life, and their example is as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago.
In the First Reading, from the Acts of the Apostles, we catch up with Paul and Barnabas in Antioch. While they certainly have some success in reaching many people there with the message of salvation, others are downright infuriated by their words and send them packing. Yet, we read that “the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.” Overall, it seems as if Paul and Barnabas had failed in Antioch. But seeing failure has not robbed them of their joy. What’s more, they are filled to the brim with the abundant gifts of the Holy Spirit. How is this possible?
It is only possible because Paul and Barnabas saw themselves as nothing more and nothing less than stewards of Christ and His Good News. This realization brought them freedom — to offer themselves and their lives to others for the sake of the Gospel. The “results” of their efforts were up to God.
This Spirit-filled, joy-filled life is available to us all today. It can be achieved when we recognize, as did Paul and Barnabas, that all we have and all we are is a gift from God, meant to be shared with others for His glory. Of course, living as God’s stewards does not guarantee a life of ease or a life free of sacrifice. Sometimes the steward’s life involves challenges, requiring all the strength and love one has to give. In the end, there is simply no more satisfying way to live. (© Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2022)
Pastoral Pondering
Besides trying to survive the pollen count, the Easter Season thus far has been beautiful. With the end of April and the arrival of May, we are in the season of first sacraments, especially first Holy Communion and Confirmation. At the beginning of June on the Vigil of Pentecost, we will also welcome the candidates who, in RCIA, have been preparing to accept membership in the Catholic Church. Please keep all of these folks in your prayers.
Over the past several weeks, I have had folks ask me about the proper attire for attending Mass. It can be one of those “touchy” issues with some folks, but with the weather warming up, it is helpful to recall, in a general way, some points that we should all remember.
While the Scriptures have very little in this regard, there are a few places that mention clothing or attire. For example, Psalm 96:9 and Psalm 29:2 mention adoring the Lord in holy attire. The is probably more an allusion to overall holiness than specific clothing, but the ancient Israelites were very precise in what was required for proper worship and proper conduct. In the New Testament, Jesus mentions, in one of his parables, someone being thrown out of the banquet for not wearing a proper wedding garment (Mt. 22:11).
In terms of Church law there are no specific norms governing the attire of the laity. There are plenty that govern the clergy though. In the Code of Canon Law from 1917, there was the requirement of wearing veils, but this does not appear in the current law of the Church.
Up until 1970 (more or less) attire for worship followed societal norms. Even those with little, always tried to wear their “Sunday best”. When I was a boy (and a Southern Baptist) we had to dress up to go to Church. It was simply expected. After 1970 the whole of culture became much more casual in its approach, and this also had an impact on the attire for Church worship.
Here in the United States, we have become extremely casual about everything. It seems we never dress up anymore. While at least some of the evangelical and/or protestant churches have maintained a certain propriety, in many cases, including at Mass, jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and even flip flops are not uncommon.
We need to remember, however, that clothes say something about what we think, what we value. They influence how we behave and feel. With our culture becoming so casual, it is almost as if the culture is communicating that “nothing is really that important.” Now, with that being said, you can certainly see folks dress up for prom, for an important date, and for some job interviews. Should our worship of Almighty God receive any less respect? Going to God’s house IS important. We are coming into the presence of the Living God. Our outward behavior and attire should reflect the awesome reality of what we are about when we come to Holy Mass.
I am certainly not recommending or suggesting that everyone should wear tuxedos and formal gowns to Mass, but we should always strive to give God our best, whatever that happens to be according to our circumstances in life. Coming before the Lord in holy attire is something we should take seriously; not because of what I think or what the person next to you thinks, but because you are making every effort to give your best to the Lord, who gave everything on Calvary for me and for you. God loves us and wants us to be where He is. Let’s strive to offer Him the best of ourselves both internally and externally.