In last week’s Gospel, we followed Jesus into the desert where He fasted and prayed. This week, He leads us up a mountain to witness His Transfiguration. Why both of these experiences?
He is preparing us to go with Him in a few short weeks to a hilltop — Golgotha — where He will lay down His life for our sake, and then finally to take us to an empty cave where He triumphed over sin and death once and for all.
Jesus perfectly understands our humanity. He knows we need desert experiences — times of self-denial and testing — in order to arrive at mountain-top moments when we see and feel His glorious presence in our lives. The purpose of these two types of experiences is summed up in the description of the Apostles who were with Jesus at that mountain-top experience in today’s Gospel: “Peter and his companions had been overcome by sleep, but becoming fully awake, they saw his glory….”
The reason for all of our fasting and prayer and almsgiving during lent is to be reawakened to all God has done for humanity, and to all that He has done for each of us personally. It is all too easy to get lulled into complacency in our daily routines, to “sleepwalk” through life, getting up and getting ourselves out the door, going to work, returning home for dinner and dishes, meetings, or sports activities, and finally flopping on the couch to watch TV until bedtime. While there is nothing inherently sinful in this routine, as Christian stewards, we are called to so much more!
This lent, let us train ourselves, or more precisely, allow Him to train us to say “Yes” to His will and to offer our lives back to Him in gratitude. In so doing, we, too, will become “transfigured.” This is what it means to live fully awake; this is a stewardship way of life and it is glorious indeed.
© Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2022
Pastoral Pondering
Last week I wrote about Kerygma in general. This week we move to Eucharistic Kerygma specifically. The Eucharist makes present the one saving sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary. This is the central event of the Kerygma of the Church. St. Thomas Aquinas notes that the Eucharist is the foundation of the Church’s doctrine because it is the “premiere sacramental sign of Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary.” It is that which makes Christ and His love for us present in the Church.
Traditionally, the Church understands that the Eucharist is both a sacrifice and a sacrificial meal. The Bishops notes this in their document. They also note that while the sacrificial nature of the Eucharist has primacy, this is “not opposed to the meal or banquet aspect of the Mass. Following the Second Vatican Council, there was a good bit of liturgical experimentation that, while well-intentioned more often than not, focused too much on the meal aspect to the detriment of the sacrificial aspect. The sacrificial meal is made concrete in Communion.
No one can ignore the fact that our society is divided; some would say broken. The bonds that once united us have been dimmed and, in some cases, apparently erased. This reality became even more apparent during everything surrounding the pandemic; although, this was not the beginning by any means. Hence, communion, and a proper understanding of it, is absolutely necessary not only for the good of society, but also for the good of our souls.
Our present culture is very focused on individualism. Interaction with others is quickly becoming more virtual than actual. There is a tendency to assume the worst of others rather than giving the benefit of the doubt. And, far too often, if someone has a different outlook than we do, they are vilified rather than engaged in sincere debate and discussion. Hence, as Roland Millard points out in his excellent summary, “The message of the communion brought about by the Holy Eucharist needs to be proclaimed with renewed vigor. The gift of sacramental graces, the increase of sanctifying graces, the strengthening of the life of virtue, and the grace offered to conquer sin and temptation are essential teachings that should be highlighted during this period of intentional Eucharistic focus.”
All of us, clergy and laity alike, should be promoting a better understanding of communion as we understand it in connection to Communion. A renewed understanding of Eucharistic communion includes the worthy and frequent reception of Communion, taking the time to prepare to receive and thanking the Lord in thanksgiving after, the importance of Eucharistic adoration and a greater awareness of spiritual Communion in between those times when we can be physically present at Holy Mass.
The majority of the public attention given to the Bishops’ document focused on how it would address Catholic politicians who hold public positions contrary to the faith, and this was not ignored, but it was not the primary focus of the document. The bishop, in his diocese, is to “guard the integrity of the sacrament, the visible communion of the Church, and the salvation of souls.” Each Catholic, however, also has a responsibility; namely, he or she has the responsibility “to discern with the aid of a well-formed conscience whether he or she is properly disposed to receive Communion.” Nonetheless, the Church also has a responsibility of protecting the sacrament and taking steps to avoid scandal and sacrilege. In the end, the matter has nothing to do with politics, it is about the spiritual communion that binds us together as a Church.
How do we as a parish encourage a greater understanding of both communion and Communion? Some things we are already doing. The Adoration Chapel is a great gift to the Church and a legacy that Monsignor Bellow left to St. Mark. Pope Benedict noted that, “The act of adoration outside Mass prolongs and intensifies all that takes place during the liturgical celebration itself.” In addition fostering holy hours, processions and participation in the annual Eucharistic Congress can all be a great aid to increasing awareness of this central reality of our faith. Doing these things then can lead to a greater understanding of communion. When we love the Lord, we are naturally led to love our neighbor. Forming strong relationships with those who share the faith and live it is an essential way of fostering not only a deeper understanding of the faith lived, but also a community in which we can be encouraged and challenged to do better and to grow in our efforts to draw others to the Lord.