Mary's Women of Joy

Prayer and Scripture Study

Mary’s Women of Joy is a sisterhood that celebrates our beauty and dignity as beloved daughters of God and honors the feminine genius so perfectly expressed by our Mother Mary. Entrusted to the heart of Mary and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, MWOJ seeks to encounter Jesus Christ more deeply through prayer and the Catholic study of scripture and Church teachings. Fostering relationships with one another, MWOJ encourages and supports women in their spiritual growth, understanding, and appreciation of the Catholic faith.

Starting in 1997 as a gathering of six women from St. Mark Parish, MWOJ continues to flourish and has grown to more than 200 women from North Carolina and South Carolina. All glory to God and His beautiful Mother!

See MWOJ on EWTN, June 29, 2022:

In unity with our Mother Mary's Fiat and with faith and humble obedience, MWOJ prayerfully and actively follows the Magisterium of the Church and is receptive to the work of the Holy Spirit.

MWOJ encounters Christ in three ways:

  • Prayer
  • Study
  • Service

We serve in three ways: 

  • Pro-Life: We stand for all life – from conception to natural death.
  • Eucharistic Adoration: We lovingly sit at our Lord's feet.
  • Spiritual Motherhood: We support our priests and religious.

Take a peek at this short video to see what MWOJ is about:

MWOJ Spring 2025 Study Information

Mary’s Women of Joy invites all women to encounter Christ with us through prayer, worship, teaching and small-group discussion.

Healing the Whole Person with Dr. Bob Schuchts and Sr. Miriam James

Online Registration reopens January 10-18.

Study: Healing the Whole Person with Dr. Bob Schuchts and Sr. Miriam James

Cost: $45 (non-refundable, includes study materials)

When: Thursdays, February 6 - May 8

Time and location (choose either morning or evening session):

  • Morning session – 10 am to 12:30 pm in the Kerin Center Parish Hall. Registration is closed.
  • Evening session – 7 to 9 pm in the Kerin Center (Room 200). Registration is closed.



Questions: Contact Laura Hogan at

To Register Online, please click this link:

To make your final payment, please click this link:

NOTE: Registration will open at 3 pm on Thursday, October 17.  Registration will close when all spots are filled. 

Click here to be added to our Waiting List:

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