From the Pastor – 22 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel from Mark, Jesus instructs us in the best way we can honor Him, teaching us the meaning of true worship. Jesus reveals that the way we truly worship Him is by giving Him our hearts. We also learn in this Gospel passage what our Lord does not want — the pious lip service that the scribes and Pharisees offer.
But, how can we determine if we really are giving our hearts over to the Lord and not just paying Him lip service? We must examine our lives to see if they reflect a life lived out for Him. Stewardship gives us a concrete means to examine our lives in three fundamental areas — the use of our time, our talents, and our material gifts.
A stewardship way of life invites and challenges us to make specific commitments in each of these areas on a regular basis, giving us a practical means to commit to the Lord. How well we are keeping these commitments can give us a kind of measuring stick to see if we are growing closer to Him, or perhaps need to put a little more effort into a particular area of our lives.
When we all strive to give God true worship — putting Him first with all our hearts — what beauty we will find in our homes, our parish, and our world.
Copyright © 2018 — Catholic Stewardship Consultants, Inc.
Pastoral Pondering
Catholic life should involve life-long learning. Unfortunately, some folks have moved much beyond their last class for Confirmation. We have an amazing Faith Formation department here at the parish, and Theresa Benson and her staff have prepared an extensive selection of adult education opportunities during the course of this year. I encourage you to take advantage of any or all of them as the Spirit moves you. If you have suggestions of other possibilities that you would like to see in the future, please share those with Theresa.
I also want to thank Father Carter for covering the Pastoral Pondering for the last few weeks. Youth and Young Adult ministries are very important aspects of our parish outreach. This particular demographic, as Pope Francis has noted, is essential to the life and vitality of the Church.
Finally, in light of recent national discussion of abuse, I wanted to outline what our parish (and all of the parishes of the Diocese) do to insure a safe environment for our young people and vulnerable adults. For volunteers, each person who wishes to volunteer is asked to complete a Volunteer profile including a background check. Additionally, each volunteer is asked to read and acknowledge the Policy of the Diocese of Charlotte Concerning Ministry-Related Sexual Misconduct by Church Personnel and the Diocesan Code of Ethics. Those who work with youth are also asked to acknowledge the Protocols for Ministry with All Minors. All these documents are available for review on the website of the Diocese of Charlotte,
Those who work with children and vulnerable adults are asked to participate in the Virtus safe environment program. This program is entitled Protecting God’s Children and involves training that teaches the participants to be aware of warning signs and other indicators that might cause concern. There are times when some folks balk at having to do this and keep up with the monthly emails, but the ongoing training is quite valuable in helping us all to create a safe environment not only here at the parish but also in the wider community. Statistically, far more abuse occurs outside of a parish setting in families, schools and other situations. Hence, the more folks who are trained, the safer our communities can be.
Employees participate in a more extensive background check and review of references. Those who are applying to the seminary are expected to complete an exhaustive application process comprised of a battery of psychological testing, and a comprehensive or extended background check which includes personal interviews with contacts and references. The prospective seminarian also must be interviewed by the Diocesan Vocations Board before being accepted into the program.
While no process or program can solve every potential problem and violation, we strive to insure that everyone who has any type of representation of the parish is properly vetted and duly qualified to serve. Promoting a safe environment is a collective responsibility. The parish leadership has specific responsibilities to insure that policies and procedures are followed, and all parishioners have the responsibility to be aware and speak up if he or she has concerns about possible violations or improprieties. Working together, we can all insure that those who come to us for pastoral care will be safe and secure.