From the Pastor – 10 th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s First Reading from the Book of Genesis we hear the story of Adam and Eve and their sins, defying God. However, when God was present in the garden, the man and woman hid themselves. Adam responds to God’s question why in part by saying “I was afraid… so I hid myself.” Did he, do any of us really think he could hide from God?
As children many of us may have hidden from a parent when we did something wrong and it was in violation of some specific order we had received. Our efforts to hide what we did and to hide ourselves were probably no more effective than Adam’s.
As humans we know the temptation of following our own plans, even if they are contrary to God’s. We think we know better and we may try to still have it our way. If what we have done is particularly shameful, we may try to hide our sins from God.
The sincere truth is that we cannot hide from God any more than Adam and Eve could. Psalm 139 declares, “Where can I hide from your spirit (God’s)? From your presence where can I flee? If I ascend to the heavens, you are there; if I lie down in Sheol (the place of the dead) you are there, too. If I say ‘Surely darkness will hide me’… Darkness is not dark for you.”
What are we hiding from? In recent weeks we have learned over and over how much God loves us. It is time for us to accept that and not hide.
Pastoral Pondering
As many of you know, there has been a desire for several years to have stained glass windows in the church. A preliminary plan and idea had been developed prior to my coming here as pastor. Through the efforts of our Art and Environment Committee, we contracted with Dixon Studios of Staunton, Virginia to design windows for the church based on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. In the next few weeks, a mailing will be sent out to the parish presenting the project and asking for sponsors. Through the generosity of several donors, three of the windows have been ordered so that everyone can see the quality and beauty of the work. These windows will be original designs specifically for our parish. Stay tuned for more information.
We have also been in the process of updating our parish database. As the parish has grown, it has been a challenge to keep all parish records current. We have already begun the process of updating parish records and insuring that families on the parish rolls are actually here. We are still working out the details of exactly how this will occur, but we appreciate your cooperation when the contact is made.
As we move into the summer months, we are often afforded time to relax and perhaps even take a vacation with family and friends. Leisure is a good thing and a necessary thing for the authentic development of culture. We are not made to be automatons that simply work and produce – that would be the communist model of life. As Dr. Jeffrey Mirus described it, “Leisure is the first and most natural antidote for the contemporary blight of utility; it is our first step in learning to recognize the giftedness pervading all that is. For this reason, it is one of the highest of human goods. Its sense of wonder led the ancients out of materialism and into philosophy. Combined with Faith, true leisure will also help the Christian, who can rise higher still.
Take some extra time to be with family and friends during these summer days and take some extra time to pray as a family as well. During the course of the summer months, there are ample opportunities to pray and serve. Our leisure and recreation should also free us to be better in our worship and prayer and in thanking God for affording us the opportunity to enjoy the world around us.