What began as 53,000 Catholics and 69 priests has grown to 515,000 Catholics, 130 priests and just as many deacons. The number of programs, ministries, agencies, parishes and apostolates is almost too many to count.
One of the goals for the year is to offer 50 Acts of Charity as both individuals and parishes. As a parish we will, and certainly do, offer outreach efforts as part of our mission. It is what we are called to do. I challenge you to do the same. If you have a particular idea that supports our Catholic Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, please let us know and we will help you get the message to the parish.
Remember, whatever is good and worthy in the Diocese – and our St. Mark parish – comes from God. While our buildings are created from physical stones, we are the living stones placed here on earth to carry out His message of love and proclaim the Gospel by the way we live our lives.
In Christ,
Fr. John Putnam
50 Acts of Charity is part of the Diocese of Charlotte’s 50 Year Anniversary initiative to manifest the love of God to our neighbors. We encourage all parishioners to get involved. Below is a suggested list of Spiritual and Corporal Acts of Mercy. If you have an act of charity that you would like highlighted, please contact Amy.Burger@stmarknc.org.
May God richly bless your parish and all your efforts to bring Christ to those in need.