Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities

“As Catholics we respond to the Biblical call to welcome the stranger – it is an act of love and hope. We have decades of experience in settling thousands of families fleeing persecution in their native country. These people have made a rich contribution to the life and culture of western North Carolina. I join with my brother bishops in the effort to work vigorously to ensure that refugees are humanely welcomed without sacrificing our security or our core values as Americans.” – Bishop Peter Jugis

Catholic Charities Outreach Assistance

Saint Mark partners with Catholic Charities to support its program which provides furniture and houseware items for families in need. We thank the many parishioners and volunteers who have helped with the donation and collection of furniture and household items.

We are incredibly grateful to all of you for doing corporal works of mercy and providing much needed support to those in greater need. Through your generosity and spirit of community outreach St. Mark Parishioners have delivered numerous essential items to families in need and extended a helping hand to our neighbors. 

Our next collection drive is scheduled for March 29, 2025.  On the Housewares and Furniture Collection Drive date, please bring houseware donations to the St. Mark parking lot between 9:30 - 11 am. Volunteers will receive the donations and load them into cars for delivery.

Please do not bring furniture donations to the parking lot.

If you would like to make a donation of housewares or furniture, please email,   

  • If you are donating furniture, you MUST email at least one week before collection date to have a pickup appointment confirmed, so that we can be sure there is room in the truck.

  • If you are donating housewares, please tell us the houseware items you plan to donate so we can determine how many vehicles will be needed to deliver all donations.

Furniture donations may be picked up from donor’s residence (driveway/garage/outside preferred) between 8:15-11:15 am. On collection drive dates, furniture donations may be picked up from locations within 12 miles from St. Mark Church. Confirmed pickup appointments are needed. Please contact us one week before the collection date to set pickup appointments. Donations which cannot be picked up on the collection date can be included in the next collection date or by separate available appointment.

If you would like to help with this collection, please contact our Catholic Charities leader Oscar Bernardo:

Thank you for helping do corporal works of mercy!

What We Can Collect  (new or gently used)

Baking pans 9 by 13 or larger

Bath towel sets, hand towels/washcloths

Casserole Dishes

Coffee pots/makers

Microwave ovens (small)

Pots and pans sets

Shower curtains/liners/rings


What We Can Arrange to Pick Up

Kitchen tables/chairs (tables 6ft max size; no bar stools)

Dressers (max 5 ft long)

Sofas (no sleeper or recliner sofas or futons or irregular-shaped sectionals)

End/Coffee/Bedside tables

Upholstered chairs

What We  Cannot  Accept

TV cabinets/large armoires/entertainment centers/tall bookcases

TVs (non-flat screen, or bigger than 43 inches, or heavier than 25 lbs.


Headboards/footboards/bed frames

Office equipment/desks/chairs

File cabinets

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