Three Conversations

Three Conversation Groups

Here at Saint Mark we are working hard to develop a culture of prayer and discipleship. We know that is a big goal, and we cannot do this without our parishioners. If you are interested in deepening your faith, growing in confidence to talk about your faith, and sharing your faith with others join us for a 3 Conversation session. We will have some groups that meet in person and some through Zoom. These conversations last up to an hour and will meet three times. So you will have a one hour meeting once a week for weeks. Can you give an hour a week three times during this Lenten season?

Sign up for a time that works best for you. 

First Conversation: Prayer Intentions

The first meeting we will pray together and focus on intercessory prayer. 

Second Conversation: Jesus in your life 

The second conversation will focus on what Jesus has done in your life. What did your life look like before and after Christ.


Third Conversation: Sharing Jesus

The final conversation focuses on how you spread God's love and the message of Jesus to those around you. This may be a direct way, or an indirect way. 

To participate in a group, please sign up by clicking the button below.

Sign Up!
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