Respect Life

Respect Life

Respect Life is focused on promoting the culture of life from conception to natural death at St. Mark and in Huntersville. Through our various activities and projects we encourage parishioners to become engaged in the efforts to protect life and marriage and to study the Church's beautiful teachings on marriage, children, and the dignity of the human person. Therefore, we oppose abortion, euthanasia, contraception, and same sex unions and embrace the Church's perennial teachings on life and marriage

Contact: Mike FitzGerald,

For information on the Huntersville non-discrimination ordinance please click here: Proposed Huntersville Town Ordinance Threatens Free Speech and Religious Liberty 

Resources for Coping After Miscarriage

St. Mark had our second annual Mass of Consolation for those who have suffered miscarriage and infant loss. After the Mass, we had two talks in the Kerin Family Center to help provide more information on how to cope with miscarriage:


Author Patrick O'Hearn speaks after the Mass of Consolation for those who have suffered miscarriage or still born loss. Listen as he talks about and reads excerpts from his book, "Nursery of Heaven: Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss In the Lives of the Saints and Today’s Parents". (O’Hearn & Everts)



Christine Wisdom, Licensed Professional Counselor, MS, LCMHC, provides resources and suggestions on how to cope with the loss of a child through miscarriage. Listen as she shares her personal testimony as well as her professional experience after a Mass of Consolation for those who have suffered miscarriage or stillborn loss.

Click here for additional resources.


Some of our regular activities include:

Monthly Respect Life Mass & Rosary Procession: Mass at St. Mark followed by a caravan to the local abortion clinic to peacefully pray the rosary.  Typically occurs on 3rd Saturdays but please see bulletin or contact us for current schedule.

Annual Life Chain: First Sunday in October from 2-3 pm along Stumptown Road, we stand and provide a public witness to Huntersville of our defense of the unborn and pregnant women.

40 Days for Life: Each 4th Saturday during the 40 Days for Life campaign (March and October), parishioners adopt 1 hour from 8am – 4pm at the local abortion facility. 

Rachel's Vineyard: The diocese offers post-abortion healing for women. To learn more please visit the Diocese of Charlotte’s Respect Life Programs.

NC March for Life: We rent a bus and travel to the March for Life in Raleigh.

Planning meeting: The Respect Life Ministry meets on the 2nd Tuesdays on odd-numbered months (January, March, etc.) at 7 pm in the Kerin Center to organize upcoming activities.

Pro-Life brochures in Narthex: Informative brochures on the northwest wall in the church narthex. 

Pro-Life Rosary: First Saturday after 9am Mass (in union with the Fatima prayers)

Be Not Afraid: A Charlotte based ministry to help support parents who receive a prenatal diagnosis for their baby and want to carry the baby to term (instead of abortion).

To learn more about the Church's teachings on life and marriage, please consider reading these Papal Encyclicals:

Casti Connubii (On Chaste Wedlock), Pius XI, 1931

Humanae Vitae (Human Life), Paul VI 1968

Evangelium Vitae (Gospel of Life), St. John Paul II, 1995

Pro-life talks hosted at St. Mark:

Medical & Social Side Effects of Contraception (Dr. Michael Parker MD)

Abortion Pill Reversal: Myth, Miracle or Medical (Matthew Harrison, MD)

Evolution & the Culture of Death (Hugh Owen & Pamela Acker with the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation)

Miscarriage Loss & The Lives of the Saints (Patrick O’Hearn)


Healing From Miscarriage Loss (Christine Wisdom)

End of Life Resources: Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care

A living will or advance directive is not enough to ensure your medical care will be conducted in accordance with Catholic teachings (to avoid Euthanasia). A Protective Medical Decisions Document (PMDD) or Durable Power of Attorney specifically drafted in accordance with Catholic teachings offers the best protection against euthanasia and to secure your wishes. The following organizations offer PMDD’s that incorporate the Catholic teachings into the document. (Note there is a nominal fee with ordering the document)

Patients Rights Council (offers state specific forms)

National Catholic Bioethics Center

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