Today’s readings speak of an essential quality for the Christian steward — hope. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “Hope is the theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our own strength but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit (CCC 1817).” In many ways, this is the very definition of a stewardship way of life — focusing on eternity as we live our daily lives and relying on God to provide for our needs and satisfy our deepest longings for meaning and happiness right now.
In today’s Gospel from Luke, Jesus describes the true richness of life that is possible for those of us who are willing to live as his hope-filled disciples. We are all familiar with this passage in which Jesus reveals the Beatitudes: blessed are the poor; they have the kingdom of God. Blessed are those now hungry because they will be satisfied. Blessed are those who weep because they will laugh. Blessed are those who are hated, excluded, and insulted because they are disciples of Jesus; they will be greatly rewarded in heaven. Jesus is describing here the character of one who is living a life of hope – the life of a Christian steward whose trust is firmly rooted in God and who is focused on others and eternity. It is not always an easy life, but it is a deeply meaningful life and one that leads to eternal reward. © Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2022
Pastoral Pondering – I love the writing of G.K. Chesterton. The most recent issue of The Chesterton Review was dedicated to Father Stanley Jaki, a priest and physicist who was also devoted to GKC. In fact, he wrote a book entitled, Chesterton: Seer of Science in 1986. In reading some of the essays, I was moved to write a few reflections here in light of what we have all experienced since the beginning of 2020.
Over the course of the pandemic, if we have heard it once, we have heard it a thousand time, that we should “follow the science”. On the surface, of course, this is not bad advice; however, when examined a bit more critically and closely, such a slogan can become a form of idolatry. This can only be avoided when we actually follow a truly scientific way of thinking; meaning, not simply accepting things at face value and not being afraid to question particular conclusions in order to seek a deeper understanding of the truth by challenging, questioning, looking at other possibilities, and searching for a deeper awareness of reality. This is certainly what I was taught to do in my undergraduate studies in the natural sciences in biology.
This approach, historically, is rooted in a philosophical understanding of the world along with a true humility that recognizes that there is more going on around us than we can know or comprehend. In many respects this was Chesterton’s approach to life. GKC was certainly not a scientist by training. He was a writer, a journalist, and a philosopher. “Following the science” would have been offensive to Chesterton because he recognized the imperfect nature of the natural sciences and the danger of following the science devolving into scientism which basically argues that science is the only answer to reality.
With that in mind, the slogan, “follow the science” appears to demand that we suspend the use of critical inquiry when we need it the most, and in some arenas require not thinking but blind obedience to the will of those in power. If we truly want to follow the science, however, we must continue to question, test, and challenge because we recognize that science, as it presently exists, does not have all of the answers. True science is open to being proven wrong. In his book, Orthodoxy, Chesterton notes that “Complete self-confidence is not merely a sin. Complete self-confidence is a weakness.”
We have seen this play out in any number of ways in connection with the responses to COVID both here and throughout the world. As new studies and new information come out, many have asserted that the cure seems to be worse than the disease. While every level of society has been impacted in some way, it seems that our children have been especially burdened. The scientific data indicates that the childhood demographic is the least likely to spread or to have serious complications from COVID. Nonetheless, they are often the ones who suffer the most from masking, isolation (whether at home or being segregated due to vaccination status), on-line learning and the constant fear-mongering on much of mainstream and social media. The resulting fear and anxiety have proven to be far worse than the disease itself. We have a long way to go before all of the ramifications become apparent. One child who was playing outside while wearing a mask indicated that if he didn’t wear a mask, he might “kill grandma”. It is so very sad that those entrusted with leadership and the common good would spread such a message when it is simply not true. We all have friends and relatives who might be particularly susceptible to airborne pathogens. My own nephew, whom I love like a son, was born with cystic fibrosis. With that in mind, we all take special precautions on his behalf, but he is not living with constant fear and anxiety. He takes each day as a gift, does what he knows he needs to do to protect himself, and entrusts the rest to God’s providence.
When all of this began, none of us really knew what was ahead of us. As time has gone on, however, it has become apparent that COVID, like other viruses, is not going away. It is going to be something that we have to live with. Certainly, particular demographics with higher risks need to be especially careful and cautious, but with significant vaccinations and natural immunity, much of society is in a much better position to live with this new reality than we were back at the beginning. We have to realize that the promotion of fear and a “one size fits all” response to this disease is polarizing families, dividing communities and destroying civil society at large. It is wrong and we should do what we can to stop it.
First and foremost, we need to be people of faith who renounce the spirit of Fear that has been running rampant through society. We need to demand transparency from our elected and public health officials by having honest conversations about what has worked and what has failed. AND we need to trust that God is still in charge.
My favorite quote of St. Teresa of Avila, the Nada te turbe, is apropos here:
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things pass away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.
He who has God
Finds he lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.