Today’s readings call us to look inward to the state of our hearts, our thoughts and emotions.
Our first reading, from Sirach, addresses the complicated emotion of anger. “Could anyone nourish anger against another and expect healing from the Lord?" We have all been wounded by others at some point, some perhaps quite deeply. Our emotions are gifts from God. But we must steward them well, rather than allowing them to overcome us.
How do we do this? Sirach tells us. “Remember your last days, set enmity aside... Remember the Most High’s covenant and overlook faults.” We embrace the stewardship mindset— not brooding over hurts but recalling all the gifts our good God has given us, all the love He continually pours out upon us, and we put our focus and trust in Him.
In our Gospel passage from Matthew, Jesus reminds us of the true position we have before Him in light of all that He has done for us, comparing the kingdom of heaven to a “king who decided to settle accounts with his servants.” In the parable, a debtor is brought before the king, owing such an overwhelming debt that it could not possibly be repaid. Yet, the king is filled with compassion for the servant, forgives the debt and lets him go free.
Doesn’t that sound like each of us in relation to the King of Kings? The Father has given us life, and then sent His only Son to die for us to free us from our sin “debts” and make eternal life with Him possible for us. It is impossible for us to repay this debt. All we can do is thank God by giving Him our whole selves — inside and out.
What joy and freedom we find in the stewardship way of life!
©Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2023
Pastoral Pondering
This weekend we have the opportunity to come together and celebrate Septemberfest as a parish family. It is good to worship together. It is good to pray together. It is also good to have fun together! Thanks to Rose George and all the staff and volunteers who make this annual event possible.
In this weekend’s pondering, I wanted to address a topic that I have been asked about a number of times over the last few months, the warning and the three-days of darkness. Recently, Father Chris Alar, MIC produced a YouTube Video concerning this topic. The notion of the warning and the three-days of darkness did not originate with Father Chris. Rather, it is deeply rooted in Sacred Scripture, especially in the book of Revelation. Moreover, it has been propagated by various private revelations including those of Fatima, Akita and LaSalette.
At Fatima, and through Our Lady’s instructions to Sister Lucia regarding the First Saturday Devotion, we know that Our Lord desires reparation. God’s justice will come, but the severity of his justice might be assuaged by our prayers of reparation united with the intercession of Our Lady. We know that her Immaculate Heart will triumph, but we also know that we must be obedient to her call for penance and reparation. This is encouraged primarily through the First Saturday Communion of reparation and by praying the rosary daily for the conversion of sinners.
St. Padre Pio is said to have prophesied about the three-days of darkness. Before him, however, similar messages were given to St. Anne Catherine Emmerich, St. John Bosco, St. Anna Maria Taigi and St. Faustina Kowalska. In 1918 Padre Pio began to experience the stigmata, the five wounds of Christ. Padre Pio testified to the truth of the revelations he received from the Lord in a letter he sent to the Vatican commission investigating the veracity of his experiences. The Lord told him that the time was at hand for his judgment to come. His faithful ones are told to be faithful in prayer and reparation. The Divine Judgement shall strike like a thunderbolt as were the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. During this time, the faithful are admonished not go outside nor even look outside. They are to pray constantly. Blessed candles will provide the only light and hurricanes of fire will come upon the earth. The Lord said that no harm will come to those who keep my will and observe my warning. Following this punishment, on the fourth day, the sun will shine, and the angels of peace will descend on the earth.
So, what are we to do in response to these prophecies? We are to do what we are called to do always. We are called to pray, to be obedient to the Lord’s commands and to remain in the state of grace. In other words, we are called to pursue holiness in all we say and do. This, of course, is more and more difficult in the world in which we live. To be sure, there is still great goodness in the world, but there is also great evil. That which is wrong, the world presents as right. That which is good, the world presents as evil. Reality is being turned upside down. In light of this, we must remember the words of Sacred Scripture, those who walk in darkness have seen a great light (see Isaiah 9:2; Matthew 4:16; John 8:12 and Acts 26:18). The LIGHT has been revealed to us, and our job is to follow the LIGHT and not take our eyes away from HIM. In John chapter 6 verse 20, Jesus says to the apostles, “It is I, do not be afraid.” He speaks those words to us as well. God is just, but He is also merciful to those who seek His mercy. Therein lies the key. We must seek His mercy every day. We must pray every day, and we must heed His words through St. Paul: So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober. (1 Thess. 5:6)