Our readings today show us that living a stewardship way of life, that is, a life focused on serving God and His Kingdom, is not easy. They also show us that our lives belong to God, not to us and that God will indeed bring about the fulfillment of His kingdom. We just need to have faith that He can do it and commit to our small part in His grand design. This is both our privilege and responsibility as Christian stewards.
Jesus makes this privilege and responsibility clear in today’s Gospel passage from Luke. When the apostles ask the Lord to increase their faith, He tells them that even a mustard seed-sized faith is all that is needed to move mountains (because it is God who does the heavy lifting). We need only take the tiniest step forward, and He will do the rest.
But living our lives in His service is also very much our responsibility, as Jesus explains through the parable of the unprofitable servant later in this passage. Our Lord describes a scene in which a servant has just come in from tending to the master’s affairs and asks whether it would be reasonable for the master to begin waiting on his servant. Of course, it would not be reasonable! The servant would be expected to continue to serve his master until he has completed the work the master has given him that day. Jesus says we should have this same attitude before God.
The time, talents, and treasure entrusted to us are all God’s. Our very lives belong to Him. Whatever we do on God’s behalf with our lives and our gifts is simply our God-given responsibility.
The stewardship way of life makes the privilege and responsibility of serving Christ and His kingdom a reality. © Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2022
Pastoral Pondering
Thanks for your prayers while we priests were on our annual retreat in Maggie Valley. It is always good to get together for prayer and fellowship, and the annual retreat provides that opportunity.
As we move closer and closer to the end of the Liturgical year over the next few weeks, the readings will begin to point more and more to the end of time and the finite reality of our lives here on earth. It is always good to ponder those realities as a way of examining our consciences and always being ready for the “coming of the Lord.” In light of this and because I have lately had a number of folks ask me about guilt, shame and the like, I thought I would dedicate a portion of this pondering to that particular topic.
In the current milieu in which we live, it is easy to find various sources arguing that guilt and shame are bad things because they limit our freedom and keep us from being who we were meant to be. While there is some truth there, these opinions also expound significant errors when examined from a Christian perspective.
Guilt, as a feeling, is not a bad thing. Guilt is the manifestation of our conscience (see CCC##1795-1802) informing us that something that we are doing, have done, or are planning to do, is somehow contrary to God’s law. Guilt helps us move from sinfulness to repentance. A well-formed conscience helps us recognize when we have transgressed the laws of God and are in need of reconciliation.
The feeling of shame on the other hand, may arise from disordered or sinful actions, but it does not lead us to God but often causes us to flee from Him. Remember Adam and Eve in the Garden. After they had sinned, they hid from God when they heard Him walking in the Garden. They were ashamed because they were naked.
Shame defines us by our sin rather than helping us understand that our sin can never define us. We are first and foremost beloved sons and daughters of God. As is often said, the Devil calls us by our sin, but God calls us by our name. Shame is a hindrance to the spiritual life and a very effective tool of the Devil. It often leads to isolation and even desolation.
God always offers us His mercy. And while at times, we certainly find ourselves guilty of some transgression, God is ever ready to welcome us back when we approach Him with sincere contrition. Shame on the other hand will rob us of hope and keep us from living in that freedom that God desires for His children.
In a couple of weeks (16-18 October), we will be having our Fall Parish Mission with Casting Nets, an apostolic group dedicated to evangelization. The speakers are dynamic and really focus on helping each of us grow in our commitment to Christ. Their ultimate goal is helping parishes to become authentic schools of prayer, holiness, and missionary discipleship. Please plan to join us!