Today, we celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord. The Gospel account of the three magi traveling to meet Baby Jesus is one that we know well. Yet, when we pause to reflect on this moment when these men met Christ for the first time, we recognize that there is much to be said for us still today.
When the magi entered the house, it says, “they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage.” Clearly these men knew that they were in the presence of their King. They also came bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, which symbolize Christ’s kingship, divinity, and humanity.
Christ is still manifesting Himself to us today. We enter God’s house weekly, and we are in His presence. When we meet Him, do we offer Him our gifts — our time, talent, and treasure? As Christian stewards, we are called to respond with love, reverence, and gratitude.
Let us prepare our hearts to receive Christ’s many manifestations in our lives. We just need a grateful disposition to receive them. ©Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2023
Pastoral Pondering
I want to wish everyone a very happy New Year. As we continue to celebrate our Lord’s nativity, the Epiphany reminds us that Emmanuel came to save the world. He offers His gift of salvation to all who willingly hear His voice and open their hearts to His message of love. In this New Year, let us all seek to be ambassadors of that message so that the world may come to know Him more intensely by the way we live our Christian lives.
Today, I also wanted to say a bit more about Fiducia supplicans, the recent document from the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith concerning blessings and those in irregular situations in terms of sacramental Communion. The document specifically addressed those with same sex attraction (SSA) living in a stable relationship as well as those who because of divorce or some other issue cannot participate in sacramental Communion.
Needless to say, the document has garnered lots of press coverage, thousands upon thousands of words of printed commentary, as well as any number of responses on social media. Our vicar general, Monsignor Patrick Winslow, wrote a concise response that was published on the Diocesan website and the Catholic News Herald which summarized the main points of the document. I won’t repeat all of that here. The US bishops also have a statement on their website from Bishop Robert Barron that you might also find helpful.
The problem with the document, and to be honest, much of the magisterial utterances during this pontificate, is it leaves a great deal unsaid that should be said. Confusion and wonderment arise from such statements which is the exact opposite of what the Holy See is supposed to be promoting, unity. The faith is not something to be toyed with. It is a treasure that is to be handed down and preserved. When we see divergent responses from bodies of bishops around the world, it again only raises questions of, “How is this Catholic? How is this promoting unity?” The only answer is that it is not.
Let me say clearly, there is no doubt that Jesus Christ came to save all. It is also true, however, that He never failed to unite that love with the revealed truth as He revealed it. I personally over the years have worked with countless people who have sincerely struggled with SSA as well as those who, sometimes through no fault of their own or simple ignorance, have ended up living in objectively sinful situations. Nonetheless, when presented with the truth, they have heroically tried to correct course and overcome whatever obstacles might be present. Jesus loved, and Jesus forgave. But He also, after telling the woman caught in adultery, “neither do I condemn you,” reminded to go “and from now on avoid this sin.”
Only Christ’s truthful love can heal us. We cannot simply affirm people’s sin in the name of being loving. Rather we are called to preach the truthfulness of the Gospel as the medicine for our sin. When we truthfully love someone in the name of Jesus then we are healed. When we try to separate the truth from love we only hurt those we try to love and ourselves. Christ loves the woman caught in adultery. That being said, He also calls her to a life with him and not the sin she is suffering.
Both the Diocese of Charlotte and our parish offer various supports for folks struggling with SSA, those dealing with the pain of divorce and those who are in need of help to regularize an irregular marriage situation. We are all sinners in need of God’s love and mercy, but receiving that mercy requires true contrition and a desire to change. The difficulty with FS is that lip service is given to this while at the same time undermining this foundational truth. FS mentions blessing the couple but makes no mention of ongoing support. If we study the sad path taken by some of our Protestant brothers and sisters in this particular area, changes were made for the sake of pastoral concern and solicitude which eventually turned into a wholesale abandonment of Traditional Faith and a fracturing of the Anglican communion around the world. We already see that in the disparate responses to FS from Africa on the one hand and Western Europe on the other. Let us pray that God who is faithful will guard and protect us from following that same path of fracture and dissolution.