The concept of hospitality is fundamental to a stewardship way of life. When we envision hospitality, we naturally think of offering a sincere and warm welcome — to those new to our parish, for instance. We picture inviting them in and making them feel at home and at ease in our presence, communicating to them that they are highly valued.
Today’s Gospel reading from John invites us to think of hospitality in a slightly different way. In it, we hear Jesus speaking this to his disciples: “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.”
Jesus is asking that we permit the Blessed Trinity to come and dwell within us. This is a stunning request. It tells us that our first and most privileged form of hospitality should be directed towards God Himself.
How does one show hospitality to God? How do we make God “at home and at ease” within us? How can we communicate to God that He is “highly valued” by us? Jesus tells us how: we are to keep His word, to follow HIs teachings.
To keep His word, we must know His word. This takes discipline and effort on our part. We must make the study of Scripture and Church teaching a priority in our daily lives. This can be done in small and simple ways. Perhaps you can commit to setting your alarm ten minutes early to meditate on the day’s Gospel. Perhaps you could read a paragraph of the Catechism with your family at dinner. You could pray over a portion of the Psalms before going to bed at night. You can join (or start!) a Bible study right here at the parish. There are many ways to grow in knowledge and love of God’s word.
Over time these simple practices can radically change one’s life. We will begin to more easily think like Jesus, respond like Jesus, and live like Jesus. We really will form our minds, hearts, and souls into a place where the Blessed Trinity is pleased to dwell.
How is this possible? Because we have an Unseen Teacher with us as we seek to know and keep God’s word. Jesus tells us so later in this same Gospel passage. “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” Ask the Holy Spirit to show you when and how you can get to know God’s word in your particular circumstances and then commit to it!
If we want our parish to be a place of genuine Christian hospitality, we must be sure that our own hearts are hospitable dwelling places for the Blessed Trinity. Then our smiles and words, our greetings and ministries will radiate with the warmth of God’s love. And our parish family will become at least a little bit like Heaven on earth. This is the simplicity and glory of a stewardship way of life. © Catholic Stewardship Conference, 2022
Pastoral Pondering
As I sit here writing this, the news is filled with reports and coverage of the leaked Supreme Court draft decision that would impact Roe vs. Wade. Video of protestors outside of Justices homes and, what I would call, Satanic, demonstrations outside of churches, e.g. Old St. Patrick in Manhattan. If the draft remains substantially unchanged, it means that regulation of abortion is returned to the states. Over the last couple of years, several states, e.g., New York and California, have enacted laws that basically allow an abortion to take place throughout a pregnancy. Because of the possibility of protests that were possible over the weekend of May 7/8, we, along with several other parishes, decided to increase security and engage the assistance of local law enforcement. Thankfully, the weekend was peaceful. I am appreciative of everyone who assisted with this effort.
The dedication and wholesale sponsorship of abortion by by political parties and various groups, even some who identify as Catholic, should give everyone pause. There is a positive element to the leaked draft; namely, everyone can see the diabolical desire for abortion that is present in a sector of our society. Moreover, there is no longer any denial what abortion actually does – a child is killed in a most barbaric way.
As I have said before, the scourge of abortion will not be solved by courts or legislatures. If a win occurs in the courts, that’s fine, but in the end, the only thing that will put an end to abortion is a change of heart. God is indeed merciful, but He is also just. We should not overlook the fact that the murder of the most defenseless of children, those in the womb, cries out to heaven for justice. We should not be surprised then that we see around us so much suffering. Prayer and reparation, as Our Lady requested in Fatima through the First Saturday devotion, is at least one way that we can begin to repair the gaping wound that abortion has caused and continues to cause in our country. Let us pray for true conversion so that God’s justice might be averted and innocent human lives might be saved