Our readings call us to roll up our sleeves and persevere through the remainder of Lent by committing to a more faithful life with Christ.
In today's Gospel, Jesus purifies the temple area because it is being misused as a marketplace. He becomes angry at their lack of reverence for God. He spills the coins of the money changers and overturns tables, saying, “Take these out of here, and stop making my Father’s house a marketplace.”
Jesus witnessed the way people mistreated the temple — the place to worship God and God alone. He drives out evil and works to purify all that is sinful in that place. This is what Jesus wants to do for us this Lenten season. He wants to remove all impurity and evil in our lives and hearts so that we may have a proper dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. Let us ask ourselves, what areas of our life need cleansing? Let us name those areas and invite Jesus to purify us. He became man to carry our burdens and wipe away our sins. He has given us boundless mercy, but we must do our part to seek it and commit to living a more faithful life as a disciple of Christ. With this knowledge, let us seek to be purified from our sins so that our hearts might be a true temple of the Holy Spirit.
This season of Lent is only halfway done — there is still time to work through our shortcomings and purify our hearts for Easter morning. But let us not waste another moment. Let us name our shortcomings, seek God’s mercy and invite Him to transform our hearts. © Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2021
Pastoral Pondering – Last week I began a review of Reiki as an obstacle to the spiritual life and in conflict with Catholic faith. This was confirmed by a study of the US Bishops released in March of 2009 which is readily available on the internet.
I wanted to address a mistaken notion that has sometimes been put forth in support of Reiki; namely, that Reiki is just a form of divine healing. I remember when I was in seminary, my class went on a retreat at a center run by a particular religious order of women. While we were there, some of the sisters offered Reiki therapy to any seminarian who was interested. Thankfully, I dodged that bullet, but not all of my classmates did.
There is a radical difference between Reiki and Christian healing. The most obvious is that for the Reiki practitioner, the healing power is at human disposal; that is, it is in the control of the practitioner. Christian healing depends on God brought about through prayer. The essence of Reiki is not prayer but a technique that is passed down from the Reiki master to the pupil. Even though some practitioners try to Christianize Reiki by adding a prayer or two, this has no effect on the essential nature of Reiki.
Furthermore, neither Sacred Scripture nor Christian Tradition as a whole speak of the natural world as based on the universal life energy that can be manipulated by the natural human power if of thought and will. It is clear that this particular world view has its origins in eastern religion and has certain monistic and pantheistic characteristics in which the distinctions between self, world and God tend to fall away.
In light of all of these facts, it is possible to conclude, as the Bishops did that Reiki finds no support in either the findings of natural science or Christian belief. For a Catholic to believe in Reiki therapy presents insoluble problems. A Catholic who places his trust in Reiki would be operating in the realm of superstition which corrupts his worship of God by turning one’s religious practice in a false direction. Hence, Reiki therapy should never be condoned by Catholic institutions or Catholics who seek to sincerely live-in harmony with the faith.
Finally, the same principles that the Bishops applied to Reiki therapy can also be applied to other modalities such as Total Body Modification, Muscle Testing and Yoga. The most common of these is yoga which is widespread in society. The reason for the negative judgment where yoga is concerned arises from the fact that yoga was never meant to be just physical. In fact, in India it would be seen as insulting and non-sensical to try and separate the physical aspects of yoga from its spiritual moorings and the philosophy that undergirds it. Yoga’s focus on self-enlightenment, stimulating the so-called kundalin (serpent) that resides at the bottom of the spine and opening the chakras, thus attaining sought after spiritual union. Exorcists and those who work in deliverance will attest to the oppression and even possession that has been documented as arising from these eastern, pagan practices. Hence, as a matter of course, they should be avoided.