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From the Pastor - Presentation of the Lord

January 31, 2025

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, when Mary and Joseph brought their infant Son to the Temple in obedience to the laws of their Jewish faith.  This is a beautiful, and in many ways, mysterious feast — and one that is filled with lessons for a stewardship way of life.


Our Gospel passage from Luke, recounting the details of the Presentation, teaches us a stewardship lesson through the example of St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother, the “Holy Parents.” Even knowing their Son was God, they still carefully observed the faith practices of their day bringing him to the temple “to present Him to the Lord just as it is written in the law of the Lord.” Later in the passage we read that, “When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord, they returned to their own town of Nazareth.” The Holy Parents were good stewards of their child, teaching Him to live in obedience to the practices of their faith from his infancy and throughout His “growing up” years.


Those of us entrusted with the care of children, whether our own children, godchildren, nieces, and nephews, grandchildren, or students, have a vital role to play in the faith formation of these young ones. We, like the Holy Parents, must steward these children well, forming them in the faith by both instruction and example throughout their lives.


What a privilege and high calling we have as Christian stewards. Let us take these stewardship lessons to heart and present our gifts and our young ones joyfully to the Lord. © Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2024


Pastoral Pondering

I to offer a special thanks to all those who helped us celebrate Catholic Schools Week. Catholic education is central to the evangelizing mission of the Church as a means of assisting parents to fulfill their duty as the primary educators of their children. Today, this education takes place through our Catholic schools, our homeschools, and our private schools who maintain a Catholic ethos. None of the Church’s efforts in this arena, however, will be effective without the cooperation and support of parents. Instilling the faith and virtue in the lives of our children is essential to creating a truly Catholic culture in the parish that has the capacity to transform the local community.


We are all called to be Missionary disciples who have hearts for evangelization. If we believe in Jesus, if we are worthy to claim His name, then we must learn to be instruments of His grace in the world. This is an especially important role of the lay faithful. The laity have the opportunity to reach parts of the world and the culture that priests and religious cannot. This is the evangelization that can take place in the workplace, in the grocery store, in the mothers’ groups, over even over morning coffee in the kitchen or coffee shop. The role of the parish clergy, religious and staff is to empower and form the laity to embrace this role.


Over the last few years, St. Mark has partnered with Evangelical Catholic, Amazing Parish, and other apostolates to assist with these efforts. Our various evangelization programs contribute to this as well. I do hope that during the course of the year, you look for and take advantage of opportunities to take your rightful place as a missionary disciple.

From the Pastor

By John Putnam February 10, 2025
Our readings today remind us of the great privilege we have in calling ourselves both children and disciples of the Most High God.  The First Reading from Isaiah describes a vision of the prophet in which angels surround the Lord proclaiming, “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts! All the earth is filled with his glory!” Our God invites us to such deep intimacy and friendship with Him that sometimes we can forget just how majestic and unspeakably holy He truly is. In the Gospel passage, from Luke, Jesus instructs Simon to lower his nets for a catch despite an unsuccessful night of fishing. Peter is skeptical but obeys and is amazed at the catch of fish that he makes. He kneels down before Jesus in astonishment. This sense of awe and reverence before God should motivate us to deepen our stewardship way of life. As we contemplate the holiness of God, we come to a heightened awareness of what a privilege it is that He has chosen to include us in His work of spreading the Gospel to others through the grateful sharing of the gifts He has given us. Aware of this privilege, we will then make the words of Isaiah our own: “Here I am Lord, send me!” © Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2025
By John Putnam January 24, 2025
In St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, it states “If they were all one part, where would the body be? But as it is there are many parts, yet one body (1 COR 12:18-20). What does this teach us as Christian stewards? It shows us that we all have equal dignity and worth in God’s sight, and that if God sees us as equally precious, we should view each other in this same light. It teaches us to humbly recognize our own gifts as well as the giftedness of every member of our parish family. And, while God designed us to be ultimately dependent on Him, it seems He has also designed us to need each other! This is part of the beauty and richness of a stewardship way of life. No one person can “do it all in life — whether in family life or parish life. But God does not ask us to do it all. He simply asks us to share the gifts and talents we do have in the season of life we find ourselves right now. It might feel uncomfortable at first. But the good news is you don’t have to do it all. Do your part, let your brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ do theirs, and know that the Spirit of the Lord is upon us all as we live out this stewardship way of life. © Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2024 Pastoral Pondering On the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Bishop Martin visited the parish and celebrated the parish Mass at 11 a.m. In his homily he challenged everyone to live out their baptismal call and to realize that we are all called to respond to the Lord’s goodness to us. During the distribution of Holy Communion, the Bishop chose not to use the altar rails to distribute, and this was upsetting to a number of parishioners who have been used to our (almost decade-long) practice here; using the kneelers but allowing each person to choose how he or she receives in accordance with individual conscience. Hence, I wanted to address the concern, and, while not speaking for the Bishop in this regard, give some insight into his actions. Prior to the Second Vatican Council, the universal norm for the reception of Communion was kneeling and on the tongue. Only a priest was allowed to distribute (normally there were no deacons). In 1967, by way of indult (a special permission) Pope Paul VI allowed experimentation with distributing Communion in the hand. This gradually became the norm, and, when the third edition of the Roman Missal was released, Episcopal Conferences were allowed to determine what the norm for Communion reception would be in their territories. In the United States the US Bishops determined that the norm would be to receive Communion standing and either in the hand or on the tongue, in English. However, altar rails were never prohibited. Altar rails are not forbidden in the Catholic Church. In fact, altar rails have a long tradition in the Church and are still used in many places. They serve as a physical boundary that symbolically separates the sanctuary, which is considered a sacred space, from the rest of the church. Historically, altar rails were also used as a place for the faithful to kneel and receive Holy Communion. After the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, the architectural design of churches became more flexible, and some churches chose to remove altar rails to promote a sense of openness and community. However, this change was not mandated by the Church, and the decision to have altar rails or not is often left to the discretion of individual parishes or diocesan guidelines. Ultimately, whether a church has altar rails can be influenced by pastoral considerations, liturgical styles, and architectural intentions. The presence or absence of altar rails does not affect the validity of the Mass or the sacramental life of the Church but can reflect different emphases in liturgical spirituality and practice. In terms of the reception of Communion, the communicant retains the right to choose how Communion is received. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal indicates that the faithful may receive either kneeling or standing. The US norm does not nullify this general norm, and, in fact, the Congregation (now Dicastery) for Divine Worship in the document Redemptionis Sacramentum (n. 91) noted that a communicant who kneels is to be respected.  A diocesan Bishop is certainly within his right to request that the United States norm be observed and certainly Bishop Martin has indicated by action that this is his desire. He is presently preparing new liturgical norms to provide guidance and exercise his role as the high priest of the Diocese. Once these are produced, I am sure that they will clarify and expound upon what is presented here. Hence, I would encourage you and even caution not to negatively judge the Bishop. He is acting in harmony with the law and only desires a liturgical unity among his flock. This too should be respected while never denying the legitimate rights of the faithful.
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