Our Christmas season concludes with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Jesus was not baptized because he needed to repent — rather, He was revealing who He is and what He came to do.
It is from His mission that we can receive the sacrament of baptism — when we become adopted sons and daughters of God. From that moment, we belong to Christ — we become His stewards. Our lives should be a reflection of this relationship. The way we live should reveal Whose we are.
In our First Reading, the prophet Isaiah shares a message of hope, “Why spend your money for what is not bread, your wages for what fails to satisfy?” We should ask ourselves, "Who is the king of our hearts?" As Christian stewards, it should be God. We often fill our lives with things that satisfy us only for a moment. If we truly do belong to Christ, then we will make Him our top priority. What we fill our lives with should reveal that He is King.
In our Gospel, Mark reveals the intimate relationship between God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus and God the Father proclaimed, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” We, too, have access to an intimate relationship with God. But like all good relationships, it flourishes with effort. How we spend our time and share our gifts says a great deal about Whose we are. © Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2020.
Pastoral Pondering
Covid Vaccines — I have continued to receive questions about the morality of receiving the COVID vaccine due to it’s connection with human fetal cells obtained following abortion. Both the USCCB and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith have issued guidance in this regard. Both indicate that while no one is obliged to receive the vaccine (or coerced to do so), due to severity of the pandemic and the remoteness of the moral cooperation, it is morally licit to receive the COVID vaccine. Each individual must still evaluate his or her own personal objections and concerns and decide what to do accordingly.
Adoration — I have said before that I believe our parish commitment to perpetual Eucharistic Adoration has been the fundamental “power” that allows us to accomplish all that we have been able to in recent years, but certainly, during a very difficult 2020. Father Richard Heilman, the author of the Grace Force Podcast and other efforts says the following: “I am convinced that a movement of restoring Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is the spiritual therapeutic for cleansing our country of demonic influence and opening the floodgates of grace that will heal our land… bringing our country back to the spiritual health of being One Nation Under God once again.”
No reasonable person of faith can deny that over the past several years, we have seen an increase of activity that can only be described as evil and even diabolical. It especially manifested itself during 2020 in a negation of the importance of the spiritual and eternal for a focus on the physical and temporal. This of course is completely contrary to Christian faith and history. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have an obligation to have as our first and most important reason for living in the vale of tears to love and serve the Lord here so that we can be with Him forever in heaven.
With this in mind, I want to encourage you all to make Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament an intentional decision for all of our families. While we have a core of very dedicated adorers who cover the hours of Adoration during the week, far too many are left with only a single adorer signed up and committed. We are to be the leaven in society, and we cannot fulfill this mission if we do not first recommit ourselves to fitting worship and prayer of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This certainly takes place when we assist at Holy Mass, but Adoration is the sacramental that leads us to ponder what we are offered at the Holy Sacrifice. I hear countless people lament and complain about the state of the world. Yet, rather than first having recourse to the source of True Power, we often turn to worldly solutions such as political or judicial structures and institutions in hopes that they can solve our problems. This is simply fanciful thinking. Because of our fallen human nature, the merely human and temporal will never cure what ails our nation and our world. Our first recourse must be to the Almighty.
I encourage and even beseech you then to be intentional Adorers of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Commit yourself and your families to set times of adoration so that the outflowing of grace that comes from this pious and devout practice might pour forth not only here in the parish but far beyond. In Luke 6:38, the Lord says the following: “Give, and it shall be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over shall be poured into your lap.” God wants to pour out His graces upon us if we will just cooperate with Him and accept all that He desires for us. Please sign up for Adoration. https://www.stmarknc.org/adoration.