Today’s readings on this third Sunday of Lent present us with the theme of “thirst” and show us that a stewardship way of life can both satisfy our spiritual thirst for Christ and help us to satisfy Christ’s thirst for souls.
Our first reading, from the book of Exodus, begins with the words, “In their thirst for water, the people grumbled against Moses.” What little faith and lack of trust they show after all God has done to free them from slavery. But Moses cried out to God for help, and sure enough, God provided generously to satisfy their thirst. He continues to provide generously for us these many centuries later.
Our Gospel passage from John recounts the life-changing encounter Christ has with the Samaritan woman at the well beginning with His words to her, “Give me a drink.” Then, He adds, “If you knew the gift of God and who is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”
Christ is speaking the very same words to us today. These two verses encapsulate the call to stewardship. Christ asks us to “give him a drink” by sharing what we have with Him and with others for His sake. Yet, it is Christ Himself who provides the water — the living water that is His grace.
God has chosen to include us in His plan for bringing all people to salvation through Him. We live out our part in His plan through a stewardship way of life. This Lent, let us resolve to respond to His call with passion and commitment. Let us do our part to quench His thirst. © Catholic Stewardship Conference, 2023
Pastoral Pondering
As Lent continues, we continue to be invited more deeply in our meditation upon the central themes of His life and ministry. Prayer, Penance and Almsgiving (works of charity), are recurring themes in the life of Christ and the Disciples. Hopefully, by now, we have all decided upon and put into practice our Lenten practices. Each of the pillars should be included in order to make good use of this Liturgical season. Oftentimes, we begin Lent and try to do too much. Even with good intentions, this often leads to failure as Lent goes along. It is far better to focus on smaller things that can be undertaken and brought to a happy conclusion. Mother Teresa is credited for saying “Do small things with great love.” This should be the mandate that we embrace during Lent. What we do and what we give up will certainly vary from person to person, but if all we do is done with sincere love for God and neighbor, great fruit will indeed be realized throughout the Lenten journey.
What’s going on with the Church? This question has been posed to me over and over during the course of the past several weeks. Some asked the question because of concerns about path of synodality that is taking place in Germany. Others have asked due to some public statements of bishops and cardinals. Some have asked due to recent measures to restrict the Traditional Latin Mass by the Holy See. I will respond to each briefly and generally.
In terms of the Traditional Latin Mass, the Holy Father and the Cardinal Prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship have over the past 18 months or so made moves to severely restrict access to the Mass celebrated according to the Missale Romanum of 1962. Most recently, Cardinal Roche has clarified that any dispensation concerning the TLM is reserved to the Holy See, specifically to his dicastery. Even though these matters are still under consideration in many dioceses, including our own, I would expect that in the not too distant future, that the TLM will no longer be celebrated at St. Mark. With that being said, every bishop has an obligation to offer pastoral care and solicitude to those devoted to this liturgical form. I certainly have no reason to doubt that Bishop Jugis takes this responsibility most seriously.
The German Synodal Way and some of the points that the German church has espoused during the course of many months are problematic on many levels. The various dicasteries of the Holy See have indicated their concern as well, and even Pope Francis has publicly indicated that some of the positions espoused by the Synodal way in Germany are not in harmony with Catholic teaching. Yet, at least publicly, there does not seem to have been any effort to call the German church back to obedience and fidelity. This is indeed a cause for concern and a matter which we should include in our daily prayers. Finally, in recent weeks, some Church leaders have made statements that appear to be inconsistent with settled Catholic teaching with regard to the Eucharist. Thankfully, there have also been responses from others, especially Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, IL, that have addressed such errors in light of Church law and teaching. There have, to some degree, always been bishops who have engaged in teaching contrary to the faith. In fact, most of the matters resolved by the early councils of the Church, arose because of such erroneous teaching. Unfortunately, today, unlike the first centuries of the Church, erroneous positions are easily spread and popularized by the secular media due to the availability of immediate communication methods. Nevertheless, pastors and those entrusted with Church leadership have to clearly proclaim the teachings of the Church unambiguously so that scandal and confusion can be avoided. Again, let’s make sure we are praying.
In the end, it is Christ’s Church, and He is in charge. We know the “gates of hell” will not prevail, but there is no scriptural promise that we can avoid the battles along the way. Trust in the Lord and be at peace.