Today’s readings remind us of how our God is compassionate and passionately loves us.
“Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture, says the Lord.” Our First Reading from the prophet Jeremiah addresses false prophets who had misled God’s people away from the Lord. The Lord declares that He will restore His people by bringing back those who have gone astray and providing for them new shepherds so that they will “no longer fear and tremble.”
This reading portrays God’s infinite care and concern for our lives. We can see that God is the one who loved us first. Oftentimes, we are like the people who are blind to His goodness and enticed by sin — something we think will make us happy but does not. God is the one who constantly pursues us and gives us opportunities to say "yes" to Him. He wants to win us back, and ultimately, He will make us happy.
So, we must ask ourselves, who or what is blinding us or leading us away from our ultimate happiness? Stop for a moment and name that thing — money, status, a person, career, laziness, addiction, self-image, health, etc. — that could be leading you away from a full and happy relationship with God.
As Christian disciples, deep down we really know that our true happiness is God. So, what are we waiting for? Take the leap of faith and allow yourself to radically love God in return.
As we begin this new week, let us name the things in our lives that are robbing us of our ultimate happiness, work to let go of them and let us strive to make Jesus our true shepherd by seeking Him in our daily lives. (©Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2021)
Pastoral Pondering
First, I want to welcome Father Matthew Bean and Father Michael Carlson to St. Mark. We are glad that you are here and that you will be working with us in the parish. Second, I want to thank all of those who assisted with the organization and execution of our Welcome Back events last weekend. These opportunities to come together as a parish family are essential to the spiritual health and well-being of St. Mark, and they cannot occur without all of our wonderful volunteers and staff members.
Let’s continue with our catechesis on the Precepts of the Church. The 5th precept states: You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church”. Concretely this means that the faithful are obliged to assist with the material needs of the Church, each according to his own ability. It is given greater explanation in the Code of Canon Law: can. 222 §1 The Christian faithful are obliged to assist with the needs of the Church so that the Church has what is necessary for divine worship, for the works of the apostolate and of charity, and for the decent support of ministers. §2 They are also obliged to promote social justice and, mindful of the precept of the Lord, to assist the poor from their own resources.
It is clear that our Catholic faith teaches with baptism comes certain rights and obligations. The laity have a right to access the sacraments and draw from the spiritual bounty of the Church. They have a right to make known their needs to their pastors. At the same time, they are obliged to engage in the apostolate of the Church, especially in those areas where their own influence is greater than the Church influence. Moreover, in order for the Church to perform those specific duties entrusted to her by Christ the Lord, she requires the necessary resources to support, maintain and carry out those activities that are specifically the Church’s responsibility, most especially the celebration of the sacraments and the proclamation of the Word of God. Finally, both the Church and her members have the responsibility of exercising the works of charity and seeking to be mindful of the poor and humble.
Fulfilling the obligation laid out in the 5th precept is often presented under the broad heading of Stewardship; the sharing of time, talent and treasure; or, as we like to say at St. Mark, grow in Christ, serve one another, share our gifts, and connect in faith. These mandates are fulfilled in different ways based on the specific situation of the individual, but they are common to all in fulfilling the 5th precept of the Church.