Our readings today remind us that God always has our best interests in mind. No matter what is going on in our lives, God is with us.
In our Gospel today, Jesus and His disciples are traveling in a boat when heavy winds and violent waves begin to overwhelm the boat. Jesus was there sleeping in the boat in the midst of this horrific storm.
The disciples woke Jesus and questioned Him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” Jesus calms the wind and the waves, and then asks them in return, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?”
Think back to a time that you endured great suffering, a hard trial or felt overwhelmed with life. How did you respond?
In moments of trial, we often live our days in a panic. We see the water coming into our boat and we do all that we can in our power to stay afloat. We are frantic, so we fail to stop and recognize that our Savior is in the same boat with us. Although it might feel like He is sleeping and His presence is lacking, He is right there suffering with us.
God won’t allow anything that we cannot handle. In a moment of suffering, we might feel trapped. Yet, He sees the moment of peace and still waters.
During our trials, cling to Jesus. Know that there is an end, and whether we see the end in this life or the next, God allows it all for our salvation.
Today, let us thank God for His presence in our lives, and ask for the eyes of faith to see that He is right here with us always.
Pastoral Pondering
Before continuing on with our catechesis, I want to address an unexpected change. While we had originally hoped that our clergy personnel would remain unchanged, due to unforeseen circumstances in the Diocese, Father Gámez will be leaving us on July 6th. He has been an amazing addition to our parish family, and it has been a joy working with him during his first years of priesthood. I am unable at present to announce where Father is going or who will be coming here, but will hopefully be able to do so next week.
The Second Precept – You shall confess your sins at least once a year: We must prepare for the Eucharist by means of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). The sacrament “continues Baptism’s work of conversion and forgiveness (Code of Canon Law, 989 as quoted in CCC, 2042).
The sacrament of Penance, also called reconciliation or confession, is that gift of Christ that recognizes our weakness as human beings due to our fallen human nature. Since our mission is to maintain communion with Christ and His Church, we need the spiritual aids that will assist us to do so since we cannot do so without God’s help. The sacrament of penance along with the sacrament of the anointing of the sick are identified as sacraments of healing. They restore us to spiritual health.
For its part the sacrament of penance, in order to truly be effective, requires that it be an external expression of something that is already an interior reality; namely, interior sorrow or contrition for offending God by falling into sin. As St. Ambrose, the great Archbishop of Milan noted, “there are two conversions in the Church, water and tears; the waters of baptism and the tears of repentance” (See CCC, 1429).
Because is first and foremost “an offense against God (CCC, 1440), we should always be mindful of the serious consequences that arise from freely giving into sin; which also damages our relationship with the Church. Hence, in order to repair the damage caused by sin, by Christ’s design, we need an act of the Church to bring about the fullness of healing. Of course, as the Catechism points out, “only God forgives sin” (1441), nonetheless because of His power as God, Christ handed on that authority to the Apostles and their successors to exercise this sacred task through His bride, the Church (see Mt. 16:19; cf. Mt, 18:18; 28:16-20).
While it is strictly true that only serious or mortal sin is necessary to restore communion (see CCC, 1456), it is a worthy practice to use the sacrament with regularity even if only venial sins have been committed because the sacrament itself is a font of grace through which the penitent is strengthened to fight temptation and avoid sin (CCC, 1458). Those conscious of serious or mortal sin must not approach Communion until they have received sacramental absolution (CCC, 1457).
One of the aspects of the sacrament that is often overlooked is the necessity of satisfaction. Forgiveness of sin brings about reconciliation with God and the Church. In addition to injuring our relationship with God, sin often also injures others. Because of this, simple justice requires that the sinner repair the harm that his sin has caused, e.g., return stolen goods, restore someone’s name, pay compensation for injuries (CCC, 1459). This aspect of reconciliation is often called reparation or expiation for sin. The priest confessor, in imposing a penance, should take this into consideration when offering the penitent guidance in restoring relationships and healing offenses.
At St. Mark we committed several years ago to offer opportunities for the regular reception of this sacrament of healing. Usually, confessions are offered prior to each Mass, and regular times for confession are offered on Saturday afternoons and Wednesday evenings.