Today’s readings encourage us Christian stewards to always be mindful of who we are and Whose we are in every aspect of our lives.
Jesus reminds us of this truth in our Gospel passage today as He cleverly puts the Pharisees in their place during their attempt to verbally entrap Him. They ask Him whether it is lawful to pay the tax to Caesar. But the Pharisees were thinking small. Christ, on the other hand, thinks big.
We all know how the story goes. Christ asks to see the coin that pays the tax and has them state whose image is on it. They of course, reply, “Caesar.” In response Christ tells them to “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.”
With that, He reminds us that while civil authorities should be obeyed, we answer to an infinitely higher Authority, God, Who is Lord of everything and everyone. All things and all people were created by God. In Baptism we have been claimed for Christ. Our lives are a gift from God and we have the privilege and responsibility to use every aspect of our lives in grateful response to Him.
Let us joyfully give thanks to this wonderful God by the way we live our daily lives. We belong to Him and there is no other! © Catholic Stewardship Consultants, 2023.
Pastoral Pondering
As I write this, most are dealing with the horrible news coming out of the Middle East. Hamas has attacked Israel, taken prisoners, and killed men, women and children. As was expected, Israel’s response to this unprovoked attack has been decisive and destructive. We have also heard that some Americans have been taken hostage and some have died in the conflict. This past Sunday, I was standing in St. Peter’s Square as the Holy Father prayed for an end to violence and a restoration of peace in the region. It is inevitable at times like these for many of us to ask “Why?” & “How can God allow this to happen?”
First and foremost, we have to remember that God never desires such evil. Sadly, our fallen human nature allows us to make decisions that are harmful, destructive and sinful. While God does not desire it, He allows us to exercise our freedom. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church points out: “Moral evil, however, results from the free choice to sin which angels and men have; it is permitted by God, who knows how to derive good from it, in order to respect the freedom of His creatures (311). The entire revelation of God’s goodness in Christ is a response to the existence of evil.”
In other words, all of these acts of evil throughout the centuries have shown how the abuse of human freedom and our tendency to sin has wrought havoc over and over again. Yet, in the midst of this, God continues to work, bring good out of the chaos, and invites us to do our part to promote peace and justice. Jesus’ own sacrifice shows how God can bring great good out of the greatest of evils.
From a moral standpoint, every nation has a right to protect itself and its citizens. This falls under the just war theory in terms of Catholic moral theology. This same principle, however, also requires that the response to unjust aggression must be proportionate and appropriate to the threat. A fuller discussion of this can be found in the Catechism ##2307-2309. Sadly, this often results in a substantial amount of collateral damage, and Hamas and other terrorist organizations regularly use the innocent as human shields leading to even more collateral damage even with the most advanced military technology.
Gaza is home to 2.5 million people. I would hope that most of them, unlike their leaders, are not seeking to destroy their neighbors and anyone who gets in their way. Hence, the solution to this matter is extremely complicated, and, in all honesty, our government has sent mixed messages that has led to, at least, a perception that the U.S. is weak and lacking in resolve. Iran, as is being reported, is fueling much of this conflict. Ultimately, Iran’s complicity has to be addressed directly and clearly. The Palestinian people that I have met over the years, simply want to live their lives, raise their families, and get along with their neighbors. We need to pray for them, especially for the Palestinian Christians who are often caught between the two warring factions, and support them with humanitarian aid, spiritual support, and all of the political influence we can muster.