From the Pastor – Solemnity of Christ the Universal King
We celebrate today what is popularly and traditionally called the Feast of Christ the King. This is also the beginning of the last week of our Catholic Liturgical Year, as the New Year begins with Advent next Sunday. We often mention that time is a gift to us; this idea of measuring Church time is also a gift, but do we truly appreciate it?
People tend to say “I go to church.” In reality, Christ does not call us to “go” to church; He calls us to be Church. We should live our lives in such a way that it is clear we are Catholic and Christian and part of Christ’s Kingdom, for He is our King. Were you aware that the name “Christ” is a royal title in itself? In Greek it means “the anointed king.”
St. Paul referred to the Lord as “king of kings and lord of lords,” a phrase with which we are familiar. If we accept Christ as our King, and if we live our lives as His disciples and followers we are certainly part of His Kingdom. Pope Pius XI instituted today’s solemnity in 1925 at a time when many countries were struggling with total loyalty to secular royalty. Pius XI wanted Catholics to recognize that their loyalty was to a higher power, their spiritual king in heaven.
Pius XI wrote at that time, “For Jesus Christ reigns over the minds of individuals by His teachings, in their hearts by His love, in each one’s life by the living according to His law and the imitating of His example.”
Pastoral Pondering
In 2012 the movie For Greater Glory was released which chronicles the Cristeros War which occurred between 1926 and 1929 in Mexico. It is a true story of faith, persecution and the triumph of grace which produced saints and martyrs. The socialist government, supported by the Freemasons, sought to eradicate Catholicism in Mexico by enforcing the anti-clerical constitution that had been adopted 30 years previously. The uprising which opposed those measures took as their battle cry the slogan “Viva Cristo Rey!” (Long live Christ the King) and many martyrs died with those words upon their lips, including St. José Luis Sánchez del Río, a fourteen year old boy.
As we come to the close of the Church’s liturgical year and hear the words of the Last Judgment from St. Matthew, it is a good opportunity to ask ourselves if we truly live with Christ as our King, our Lord and Master. During a recent retreat with other priests from around the world, we had a beautiful opportunity to reflect upon the Last Things: death, judgment, heaven and hell. The meditations presented by the priest leading the retreat were inspired by the traditional spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius.
My time of reflection during the retreat made me realize how easily we (including me personally) allow the spirit of this world to influence us and lead us away from the Kingship of Christ. We too easily compromise with this world in order to get by or to be accepted. In so doing, we make a desire for human respect become an idol in our lives. In his dream about hell, it was revealed that one of the greatest sins after pride is the desire for human respect which arises from a type of disobedience to God’s law and to His will. When we choose to acquiesce to this world, we are, either directly or indirectly, turning our backs on God.
This rejection often comes in little ways that can easily go unnoticed. Perhaps its allowing worldly pursuits to interfere with prayer or even assisting at Holy Mass on Sunday. Perhaps it is remaining silent when someone criticizes our faith or our Church. Perhaps it is not turning off the television when what we are watching portrays that which is immoral. Perhaps its refusing to properly discipline our children and calling them to holiness and virtue. Regardless of the means, the result is the same, a lukewarm faith that distinguishes us very little from those who have no faith at all.
Not one of us is given tomorrow. We are simply given today. Neither you nor I know when the Lord will return nor when He will call us. What we do know, however, is that when our time comes, we will be judged for how well we lived out our Baptismal call. This is lived out first by loving God with all of our heart, mind and soul and then loving our neighbor as we love ourselves. What a blessing it is that God reminds us of this reality on this last Sunday of the year so that when our time comes, we do not stand before Him empty-handed and find ourselves among the goats and not the sheep.