From the Pastor – Baptism of the Lord
As we celebrate this feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we can study His actions at the Jordan River as a powerful example of servant leadership. We see in Jesus a type of leadership that is characterized by humility and leading by example.
Certainly, the sinless Savior did not need a baptism of repentance! But Jesus humbly made Himself one with his people to draw us to Him and create a relationship with us so that we would be open to His teachings and influence.
As a servant leader, we also see that Jesus leads by example. He doesn’t just tell the people they need to be baptized. He shows them how and does it Himself to teach them. To lead like Jesus, we, too, must “walk the walk” and not just “talk the talk.” If we want those we lead to be generous and hard-working, then we must show them how to do this by demonstrating generosity and hard work ourselves.
Immediately after His baptism, we learn of the powerful affirmation of the Father who opens the heavens, sends the Holy Spirit upon Jesus in bodily form and says audibly, “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased.” Let us be filled with gratitude for our amazing God and be reminded that when we are grateful followers of Jesus and servant-leaders in imitation of Him, the Father will be well-pleased with us, too.
Pastoral Pondering
As the Christmas season comes to a close, Father Becker, Father Carter and I want to thank everyone for your Christmas greetings and the goodies that were dropped off at the rectory.
As we progress into the New Year, I also wanted to give you an update on various things:
Christmas Masses – In evaluating the Christmas Mass Schedule and considering what changes might be helpful, it is clear we really have outgrown our ability to have simultaneous Masses on campus. We are, therefore, looking into the possibility of arranging the schedule on campus to coincide with Masses at other locations to alleviate some of the congestion, especially parking, that occurred. We are taking this into consideration for Easter as well. I will keep you posted on the final plan.
Sound System – We have had the sound system evaluated by several different experts in such things and have decided to replace old equipment and basically re-make the sound system. The ongoing problems have been a source of frustration for many folks, and we hope that this will truly be a final solution.
Stained Glass Windows – Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners, all but five (5) of our 22 windows have been fully sponsored. Those that remain unsponsored or partially sponsored are: 1) The Old Testament (Moses with 10 Commandments), 2) The Baptism of Christ, 3) The Scourging at the Pillar, 4) The Coronation of Our Lady, and 5) The Catholic Church (St. Peter and the Keys). This last window we wanted to install in honor of the priests and deacons who have served at St. Mark. At present it is only partially funded ($5,475). General donations for the parishioner window is $7,413. We expect that the sponsored windows will be installed over the coming weeks. The artist is working on them in the order that they were sponsored. Anyone interested in sponsoring or partially sponsoring a window may contact Rose Abell at
I have been asked whether the transept windows will be utilized at some point. While there are no immediate plans, the thought has been to have those as additional saints to compliment the statuary already in the transepts. We would not pursue this until the windows in the nave are completed.
Finally, several the pastors in the Diocese have had imposter email addresses set up in order to scam parishioners. Please remember only email addresses from the parish are valid email addresses. Delete anything else. If one of our priests needs help or assistance, we will call you. And while I like gift cards, I don’t make it a practice of asking folks to send me one. :)