From the Pastor – 6 th Sunday of Easter
The First Reading from Acts begins with Cornelius falling at Peter’s feet. Peter lifts him up and says, “In truth, I see that God shows no partiality. Rather, in every nation whoever fears him and acts uprightly is acceptable to him.”
Cornelius was likely the inspiration for that statement. St. Cornelius is a significant person in the Acts of the Apostles. A documented centurion in the Cohors Italia , he is considered by most Bible researchers as being one of the first Gentiles converted to Christianity.
The message, however, applies to all of us, as most of us are indeed Gentiles. It is made clear that Cornelius was a holy and generous man. However, he did not receive the Holy Spirit until he had heard the Gospel from Peter and responded to it. That is what each of us is called to do as well. If we allow the Lord to be an important part of our lives, God will do everything for those who are willing to receive Him.
This reading then reports, “While Peter was still speaking these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the word.” St. Peter is later criticized for entering the house of a Gentile, eating, and then baptizing Cornelius, but in Acts 11 Peter responds, “If then God gave them the same gift he gave to us when we came to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to be able to hinder God?” God is there for all of us, but we must receive Him and open our lives to Him.
Pastoral Pondering
As we move into May and the close of the school year, I want to graduate all of those who are graduating from high school or college over the next several weeks. Henry Hoyt, who has been serving as our sacristan, is graduating from high school and preparing for the next chapter in his life. I want to thank him for his dedicated service. Patrick Martin, a rising high school senior, has assumed the sacristan role.
2018 marks the 50 th anniversary of the encyclical of Pope Paul VI, Humanae Vitae. The Latin title translates simply, Of Human Life. The sub-title was on the regulation of birth. It was released on July 25, 1968 during a tumultuous time in the Church and the world. Sadly, at the time of its release, much of its wisdom was lost because of the widespread rebellion against what the world saw as an “unenlightened view” of human sexuality. When one reads the full contents of the document, it is easy to assert that Pope Paul was actually prophetic in what he saw as resulting from the widespread use of “the pill”.
In a recent article in First Things , Mary Eberstadt notes that “The most globally reviled and widely misunderstood document of the last half century is also the most prophetic and explanatory of our time” ( ). She summarizes these “prophetic points” methodically, and it is worth considering them and allowing the reality to enter into our prayer and conduct.
The first empirical reality she notes is the correlation between the use of contraception and abortion. Fifty years ago, one of the mantras of those opposing the prohibition was that the use of contraception would render abortion obsolete. In reality, however, “rates of contraception usage, abortion, and out-of-wedlock births exploded simultaneously.” Moreover, the judicial overturn by the Supreme Court of prohibitions on selling contraceptives in the Griswold decision in 1965. This decision became part of the justification for the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973. The justices concluded that if contraception is legal, then abortion must also be legal in case contraception fails. As Eberstadt states: “Legal reasoning justifying freedom to contraception has been used to justify freedom to abort…It is plain in hindsight that the “lowering of moral standards” foreseen by Humanae Vitae could come to include disrespect not only for women, but for the human fetus too.”
The facts are incontrovertible that the old defense of birth control as the alternative to abortion is simply false. In actuality, experience shows that the widespread use of contraception is an accelerant to abortion. Because of this more people outside the Church have come to recognize the prophetic voice of Pope Paul VI and Humanae Vitae. As Eberstadt states: “Observing what the sexual revolution has wrought, more and more Protestant voices now question yesterday’s nonchalance about contraception. This reconsideration is far from a majority view – yet, anyway. But it manifests what any minority view must have in order to win over others: evidence and moral energy.”
Pope Paul’s assertion that the widespread use of contraception would lead to a decline in sexual morality and a growing disrespect for human dignity and life have become all too clear on our society today. From Terry Schiavo to Alfie Evans we see the disintegration of a respect for basic human dignity on all fronts. In the weeks ahead, I will consider the other points Dr. Eberstadt makes as we observe this important anniversary of Pope Paul’s prophetic encyclical.