From the Pastor – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gratitude is the key to a stewardship way of life. Today’s readings demonstrate the power and vital importance of gratitude in the life of the Christian disciple, for gratitude leads us to worship God, who offers us salvation.
We see the power of gratitude on display in the Gospel passage from Luke after Jesus heals 10 lepers. “And one of them, realizing he had been healed, returned.” Only one of the 10 recognized the tremendous blessing he had received from Jesus, and he returned to thank Him. While it’s easy to feel indignant at the failure of the nine others to return and thank Jesus, how often do we fail to recognize the blessings, answered prayers, and healings (both physical and spiritual), that the Lord showers upon us day and night?
The truth is that our very lives and every breath we take are His gift to us. But we can get so caught up in the stresses and distractions of daily life that we lose touch with this truth.
The Samaritan reacts to his gift of healing with the proper response to our loving God. Recognizing what he had just received from the Lord, he “returned, glorifying God in a loud voice; and he fell at the feet of Jesus and thanked Him.” He was grateful for what God had done for him and this gratitude led to worship.
And because of this response, Jesus offered him a far more precious gift that physical healing; He offered him the gift of salvation. “Stand up and go; your faith has saved you.”
Too often we hear the phrase, “Count your blessings,” and write it off as nothing more than a trite saying. Today’s Gospel shows us otherwise. Gratitude is powerful. It deepens our faith in God and leads us to fitting worship of Him.
Pastoral Pondering
Parish App – By now most of you have been notified that our parish app carrier, Our Sunday Visitor, has discontinued the use of the parish app that we had been using. With this in mind, we have switched to the MyParish App which is provided by Diocesan Publications. It is a very useful tool that I encourage you to download and use. Simply go to your app provider and download MyParish and then search for Huntersville and St. Mark once you have the app downloaded. It is very simple.
Manifesto of Faith – Gerhard Cardinal Müller, the former prefect if the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, earlier this year issued a beautiful document entitled Manifesto of Faith. It is comparable to the Credo of the People of God that St. Pope Paul VI issued as a response to the confusion that was rampant following the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. It is a relatively short document, but effective in outlining the basics of our faith. Now Arcadia Films has produces a short video with the same name that presents the points made by His Eminence with creativity and beauty. I would encourage you to visit the website and watch the video. It can be accessed at There are also cards available in the narthex that you can share with friends and family who might benefit from viewing it. In this time of often confusing and conflicting voices, it is important that we remain rooted in and understanding of the Faith that has been passed down to us from Apostolic times.
Parish Mission – Next weekend we are honored to welcome Father Leo Patalinghug who will be leading our parish mission next Sunday through Tuesday evenings. I met Father Leo when he was in seminary and have always found him to be engaging and faith-filled. I encourage you to make time for these days of parish mission and welcome Father Leo to St. Mark!