From the Pastor – 27 th Sunday in Ordinary Time (10/8/17)
One of St. Paul’s favorite topics was prayer, and today’s reading from his letter to the Philippians is no exception to that. He says, “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.” For Paul all topics are appropriate for prayer because we need to share and consult with the Lord about everything.
God knows what is on our minds already, of course, but He also desires that we make a conscious effort to communicate with Him on these subjects. In addition, Paul points out that our prayers need to be infused with thanksgiving. We should not just petition the Lord and make requests. It is equally important that we think about, identify, and acknowledge our blessings.
We have often pointed out that stewardship is a life of gratitude, a way of living which encourages us to focus on gifts, not on problems and challenges all the time. If we strive to have grateful hearts, our prayers come much more easily, and we tend to be much happier and more upbeat in our lives.
The noted author, philosopher, journalist, and theologian G. K. Chesterton is well known in Catholic circles because he converted to Catholicism during his life, and was an excellent conveyor of the faith. In terms of living grateful lives he said, “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” That includes thanks to God.
Pastoral Pondering
From the survey: I know there are a lot of needs all over the place, but it seems like we are having second collections almost every week. At times, it seems overwhelming.
I agree with the sentiment. Certainly, there are at times special circumstances such as the hurricanes and earthquake that require an extraordinary response, but it seems things are coming from all sides. This has been a topic of discussion in various leadership groups in the parish. One proposal that I like very much is to eliminate ALL second collections. The exception would be an extraordinary circumstance such as noted above. We would then simply budget for the annual second collections and others would simply apply to the Charitable Giving Committee for consideration. This would, of course, require everyone to increase their weekly giving to take account of this, but then everyone knows what is budgeted, and we can be more intentional about our giving and not worry about being overwhelmed. Last week the annual report was included in the bulletin which outlines the last fiscal year and the proposed budget for the present fiscal year. With the Finance Council’s help and your generosity, we were able to increase charitable giving significantly and plan to continue working towards a true “tithe” of our resources. This requires faith and generosity of all involved, but I firmly believe that the Lord cannot be outdone in generosity. We just have to take Him at His word.
From the survey: We moved here about two years ago, and I was surprised that there is no Faith Formation on Sundays. It can be difficult for families in our busy world to manage faith formation during the week.
Since I have been pastor at the parish, there have been limited Faith Formation opportunities on Sunday morning; although, Sunday evening is regularly used for Faith Formation and Youth Ministry. In previous assignments, Sunday along with weekdays were utilized. In looking at the Sunday Mass schedule, we would need to see what adjustments could be made to provide an adequate time slot for Faith Formation. The benefit of this, would be to provide a time slot for some type of Adult Education while the children are in class, e.g. “Doughnuts and Dogma” or “Faith Facts with Father”. The down side would be changing the Sunday Mass schedule. People get very used to routines, and change can bring challenges. I do think this is something that needs further consideration. The most logical change would be to shift the 7:30 am Mass to 7:00 am, and move the 9:00 am to 8:30 am. This would provide 45 minutes before the 11:00 am Mass that could be used for faith formation. Should such a change be implemented, Diocesan approval would be required and enough lead time to give everyone an opportunity to adjust.
Communion notes: There have been ongoing questions about the discontinuation of distributing the Precious Blood at the 11 am Mass. As I indicated several weeks back, it was decided to do this to help expedite the distribution of Communion at this Mass. So far this has been helpful. I would also ask your assistance in maintaining a proper care and reverence when receiving. In recent weeks, we have seen an increase of spillage of the Precious Blood and Hosts falling to the floor. Most of this can be avoided by slowing down. I would also ask parents to take some extra time in reminding children how to properly receive. Many of the spills have been younger children receiving. Also, please remember that if you do not have the use of both hands when receiving, the host will be placed on your tongue. It is not acceptable to receive with one hand. This is often what leads to Hosts falling. Thanks for your help with this!