The theme throughout today’s readings from Holy Scripture has to do with forgiveness. We must always appreciate that forgiveness is a two-way street. We need to seek forgiveness as all of us are likely to do. However, forgiveness is also something we need to grant to others.
Some scholars consider Matthew’s Chapter 18, from where our Gospel Reading comes today, as perhaps among His most personal teachings to His disciples and others as spiritual leaders. There is no question that the Lord is in the process of preparing His followers for the time when they (we) must continue His Kingdom without His physical presence. He is trying to build up the sense of fellowship and cohesion among His flock.
Thus, He focuses on how to build up cooperation and unity in those who work to build His Kingdom. He makes it clear that for us to accomplish that requires forgiveness and reconciliation. The lesson for us is quite basic: we need to know, appreciate and understand the grace of Jesus and respond by learning how to forgive our sisters and brothers (all sisters and brothers in our Christian and Catholic fellowship).
Christ always forgives us if we come to Him with a humble and repentant heart, and He expects the same from us. We need to forgive others just as we are forgiven. As Jesus warns us in today’s Gospel: “So will my heavenly Father do to you, unless each of you forgives your brother (and sister) from your heart.”
Pastoral Ponderings
Returning to the survey: Any comments regarding Liturgy and Worship at St. Mark? “The direction I sense we are being taken is pre-Vatican II. We now have “masters of ceremonies” turning pages as our priests are attempting to lift themselves above the faithful. Entirely too much pomp and little visible humility on the altar.”
In my experience, when someone makes a comment like this, they simply have no idea what the liturgical documents of the Church actually say. There are no liturgical practices at the parish that are not in conformity with both Sacrosanctam Concilium (The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of Vatican II), Redemptionis Sacramentum (Instruction on Certain Matters to be Done or Avoided during the Eucharist), the General Instruction on the Roman Missal , and the Liturgical Norms of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte. Observing the norms laid out in these documents is the serious obligation of the pastor and any priest who assists him in the pastoral care of the parish.
With that being said, there is certainly some latitude in how the celebrations are ordered and what options are exercised. First and foremost, it needs to be said that the celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist is about offering proper worship to Almighty God. It is neither about the people in the pew nor the priest on the altar. The whole assembly is to be directed towards Christ who is the perfect offering to the Father. As previously noted several weeks ago, we offer various liturgical “styles” musically at the various Masses of the weekend to provide options for the faithful. This is an intentional decision by the pastoral staff.
In terms of the use of older servers as “Masters of Ceremonies” is a great assistance to the celebrant. When he can focus solely on offering the prayers to God it makes the Mass more prayerful and allows the flow of the liturgy to occur more seamlessly. It has nothing to do with pomp. It has everything to do with practicality. Moreover, during the course of 25 years of priesthood, I have seen many of those who served in this role eventually enter the seminary and serve the Church as ordained priests. While this is certainly not a requisite of the position, why would anyone object to a liturgical function that encourages vocations? I am very proud of the young men who take such care to learn the various elements of the liturgy and offer their service freely to God and the parish. I would hope that everyone would offer the same level of appreciation to those who serve thusly.
By and large the responses to the survey were very helpful and appreciated. As was the case in the response above, there are some that seem to simply want to grind a personal axe rather than to assume the best of intentions and offer the benefit of the doubt. If you have a question about something, then ask one of the priests. We are all more than happy to respond to questions offered in charity and genuine interest.