From the Pastor – 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s readings make very clear the demands that will be made of those wanting to be called disciples of Christ. We must be prepared to give our all to Him. But in the end, the life of discipleship — the stewardship way of life — is the only life that can truly satisfy.
In the Gospel passage from Luke, Christ says, “If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” Our Lord is speaking here not of emotions but rather of priorities. He must come first in all aspects of our lives. Period.
He goes on. “Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.” In other words, it’s all or nothing. Compromise is simply not possible. Christ wants us to give all of ourselves, all aspects of our individual lives, our family life, our parish over to Him and to the pursuit of His kingdom.
And just when we think our Lord might soften His message to make it a little more palatable, He goes further! “Anyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.” Why is our Lord being so demanding? Only because He knows us so well and loves us so much.
He knows that if we do not live by putting Him first before all else, we will easily be swallowed up by the earthly cares that weigh us down — our material things, our status, and our egos. He knows these things cannot satisfy us. He knows this because He is our Maker, and He made us for more.
We are made to be His disciples, to seek after Him and His Kingdom. Embracing stewardship as a way life allows us to count the cost, and then run after Him with all our might. ©Catholic Stewardship Consultants
Pastoral Pondering
Pastoring a large suburban parish is a challenge on many fronts. Thankfully, I am blessed to have two other priests who assist me in that task along with a dedicated staff who give of themselves each day to accomplish our mission. In order to accomplish that mission, however, we have to constantly be reminded of what that mission is. Why do we exist? What is our core purpose? Our guiding light should always be taken from the Scriptures, and Jesus’ commands to His apostles. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus says: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
So how do we translate that into a daily focus? In reflecting on the Scripture and considering some of the words of our recent Holy Fathers with our parish leadership team, we expressed it this way: “The love of Christ commands us to accompany and evangelize as many people as possible to the eternal happiness of heaven. That’s why we exist, to get to heaven ourselves and to bring as many folks with us as we possibly can. It may seem like a tall order, but that’s why we are not to undertake it alone. Every aspect of parish life and ministry has to be an expression of this fundamental core purpose. It is also why living the stewardship lifestyle is so essential to being a truly amazing parish.
In living out this core purpose, we want to look at who we are and what we do through some very specific filters that will help us focus our ministry and apostolates so that we are being faithful to the command of Jesus Christ and our desire to get to heaven and help others get their too. Hence, when making decisions about the parish and where we are going we will be asking the following questions: 1) Will this form our parishioners well and help them reach out to others? 2) Is this a good use of resources and will it help us accomplish our ministry needs? And 3) Will this empower families to take ownership and pride in their Parish and fulfill their mission of living as the domestic Church?
I share this with you because it’s important that those who are a part of this parish family understand why we do what we do, and understand that each member has a part to play. This call to evangelize and accompany is a call for all; not only for a few. We answer the call each according to his or her particular vocation and state in life, but everyone is called. Certainly, as much as we would like it to be otherwise, not everyone will get on board. Not everyone got on board with Jesus either. Our task is to be faithful to Him, pray for those who choose to follow a different path, and seek every day to be faithful to our mission and our call.