From the Pastor – 1st Sunday of Lent
As we begin the beautiful and challenging season of Lent, our readings this week remind us why we need these 40 days so much. They also suggest a particular strategy we Christian stewards might take as we make the journey towards Easter.
Our first reading takes us back to Genesis, reminding us of our Creator and the loving care and lavish gifts He gave to our ancestors, Adam and Eve. He created them out of pure love and provided abundantly for them.
Life was good in the Garden! Until the first couple allowed just a sliver of doubt in the goodness of God to enter their minds. Swayed by the words of the serpent, they became ungrateful and distrustful despite God’s great love and all the gifts of creation He had provided. Sound familiar? These same temptations threaten to pull us away from God today.
Our Gospel passage, from Matthew, shows us by the example of Jesus Himself one way that we can attain spiritual strength and grow to become more effective disciples and stewards. In this passage, we find our Lord in the desert, fasting for 40 days and 40 nights. Like Adam and Eve, He is confronted by the evil one. But unlike our fallen parents, our Lord triumphs definitively over the devil’s lies and sends him slithering away.
How did He do it? By knowing the Scriptures and by proclaiming them confidently. And by His perfect trust in the Father.
This Lent, let us embrace this 40-day spiritual reset. Let us prioritize our use of time by committing to prayerful study of the Scriptures and trusting more deeply in the Father’s love. We will surely be better stewards by Easter.
— Stewardship Reflections by The Catholic Steward and Catholic Stewardship Consultants
Pastoral Pondering
Last week I discussed interior conversion and the three pillars of Lent, prayer, penance, & almsgiving. One of these ways of orienting ourselves to the process of interior conversion is availing ourselves of the Sacrament of Penance. In order to receive the full benefit of the sacrament, we have to approach with the proper dispositions: a full admission of sins, true contrition, a firm resolution to avoid sin in the future, and the satisfaction by the completion of penance. The Catechism of the Catholic Church provides a thorough treatment of the sacrament (cf. CCC 1451 ff.).
Contrition involves a sorrow that arises from the soul and a hatred of the sin committed along with a firm resolve to refrain from all sin in the future. This is the first disposition that is necessary for making a good confession. The sacrament itself gives us grace, but, as is the case with all sacraments, our acceptance and ability to benefit from the sacramental grace is dependent upon our disposition — the Lord will not break through a closed door. The Church teaches that there are two types of contrition, perfect and imperfect. The former results from a pure love of God and the latter arises largely because of a fear of the consequences of sin which ultimately is the loss of heaven and the pains of hell. Both of these can dispose us to receive the forgiveness of sin in the Sacrament. Certainly, having perfect contrition should be the goal of each one of us.
In order to develop a a proper contrition in our daily lives, the Church recommends the daily examination of conscience, normally at the end of the day during our Night Prayer. The Examen involves reviewing our words, thoughts, and actions of the day and considering how we have failed in virtue. There are many very good examinations of conscience that we can use in addition to meditating upon the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes and the Precepts of the Church.
While the Church requires the confession of mortal sin by kind and number, the regular confession of even venial sins is recommended in order to help us form our consciences and grow in holiness. In addition to forgiving our sins, the sacrament strengthens our spiritual armor and helps us avoid sin in the first place.
Finally, completing the assigned penance, which can take various forms must be completed in order to complete a good confession. The sincere performance of our assigned penance is an external way of expressing our interior disposition of sorrow and intention of amendment.
St. Mark offers ample time for confessions. In addition to Saturdays from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. and Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m., confessions begin 45 minutes prior to each Mass and are offered until 15 minutes before Mass begins. Take advantage of the sacrament during this Lenten season.