From the Pastor – 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
We are reminded in today’s readings that we are human, and that as a result of that we are sinners, and we inherit that sin from the very beginning, from Adam. St. Paul points that out in our Second Reading from Romans 2. Were you aware that in Hebrew the name Adam means “humanity?”
In today’s Gospel Reading from Matthew, Jesus also reminds us of the fact that we are sinners, but He also prompts us to remember that one of the reasons we sin is because we fear other humans and the consequences of living out our faith more than we fear the Lord Himself. Jesus says, “…do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.”
“Gehenna” is translated in some Bible versions as “Hell.” What the Lord is trying to communicate to us may be that we probably tend to fear earthly matters and earthly people more than we fear God. If we are “killed” by someone or something on earth it is the body only which dies. However, shrinking back from God’s call can have eternal consequences.
“Saving grace” and being saved are probably not thoughts on which we like to dwell, but they are real, and we need to recognize that. St. Alphonsus Liguori wrote, “The saved are few, but we must live with the few if we would be saved with the few. O God, too few indeed they are; yet amongst those few I wish to be.”
Pastoral Pondering
At the end of this week, we will hopefully be able to begin Phase III of the reopening. If this turns out to be the case, I would expect that we will be able to make some adjustments in terms of church occupancy and a return to some normalcy. Over the last couple of weeks, we have also seen widespread protests, some of which have devolved into riots and calls for the defunding or disbanding of police departments. While the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis should be roundly condemned by people of good will, we should never allow an isolated incident of police brutality to force us into accepting a mob mentality. It was a mob after all that called for the Crucifixion of Christ.
My father was a police officer when I was a young child. He was well known as someone who was fair and who cared about people. Over the years since then I have met many police officers, too many to count, all of whom placed their lives on the line each day to protect the communities in which they lived. I have also encountered a few who were simply not suited for their job, and one or two who I would consider “bad apples”. I’ve encountered doctors, lawyers, politicians, soldiers and myriads of others. I can say by and large most were fine people; but, there too, there were some bad or even rotten apples. The same can be said about priests, ministers, rabbis and bishops. Because we are human, we are fallible. Sadly, some of us give in to our base desires and emotions. This has been true since Cain killed Abel and has been played out countless times throughout history. That’s why on Trinity Sunday I noted that we are dealing with a sin problem rather than a skin problem.
This in no way denies that there are people who have been mistreated and harmed by those in authority, but it also recognizes that not every person should be judged because of the sins of a few. This is not only dangerous, as we saw in the treatment of the Jews in WW2 Germany or the treatment of Japanese immigrants in WW2 USA; but, it is also destructive of the common good. We should never deny or forget history. There have been plenty of examples of racism and discrimination throughout the world to be sure, and in our own country without a doubt. However, simply because something happened in the past does not mean it has to be repeated. As human beings we have the capacity to change. We have the capacity to grow, and we have the capacity to repent.
Learning to respect the dignity of each human person, created in the image and likeness of God, is the task of every Christian. This is true whether we are dealing with friend or foe. The Gospel requires us to oppose injustice where we find it and to strive to eradicate it with Christian love and compassion. Sadly, there seems to be a pervasive attitude that if you are not willing to accept responsibility for every wrong ever done to a person of color that you are somehow part of the problem and a supporter of racism. This is simply flawed thinking and an irrational conclusion. Mobs, however, are not rational. They operate out of emotion and the facts matter very little to them. As a Christian people, we have to strive for holiness which is built on the foundational belief that in order to love God, we also have to love our neighbor. If we actually start doing that, then we can eliminate injustice across the board and at every level. Politicians will not solve the problem and crowds of protestors will not solve the problem; although, exercising our first amendment rights by assembling peacefully and making our voices heard is important and necessary. The only true solutions will come from a return to God, a desire for repentance and conversion.