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Sunday Bulletins

Bulletin Date 

Sunday, March 30

Sunday, April 6

Sunday, April 13 (Palm Sunday)

Sunday, April 20 (Easter Sunday)

Sunday, April 27 (Divine Mercy)

Sunday, May 4

Email Deadline (5 pm)

Wednesday, March 19

Wednesday, March 26

Wednesday, April 2

Monday, April 7

Monday, April 14

Wednesday, April 23

Mass Announcements

March 16, 2025

Good evening/morning! Welcome to Saint Mark Catholic Church! We are happy to have you here. Please know that the staff is praying for you and your family daily.


If you have an allergy or need a special accommodation for Communion, please go to the sacristy before Mass and speak with the sacristan.  Also, please be sure to consume the Holy Eucharist in front of the minister of Holy Communion, before walking away.

We will have a Catholic Charities Housewares and Furniture Collection next Saturday, March 29. Furniture donations can be picked up from locations within 12 miles of St. Mark. Housewares donations can be brought to the parking lot from 9:30 to 11 am. Details on items being collected can be found on our website. Appointments must be made for furniture pickup. Please do not bring furniture to the parking lot.

Next week, on Friday March 28, we will have our second Knights of Columbus Fish Fry in the Parish Hall. Details on times, menu and prices can be found in the Bulletin.

We will have a new parishioner Meet and Greet on Sunday, March 30 after the 9 am Mass. All who are new, or still feel new, are welcome. Please see the Bulletin for the RSVP link.

Please join me in praying our revised Capital Campaign prayer, which can be found in the Bulletin or on the song sheet.

God, our heavenly Father, we know that all we have and are come from you. We offer You our humble gratitude for the gifts that have already been given to our Growing Home Capital Campaign. We ask for your continued blessings to inspire us to grow our home through love and generosity for our parish family. May your grace guide us to serve you faithfully in this and all we do. Amen

Today we celebrate the Third Sunday of Lent. The readings for today’s Mass begin on page 1097 in your Hymnal. Please return your music booklets at the end of Mass to the table in the Narthex.

Mass is about to begin. Let us take a few moments in silence to quiet our hearts, minds and phones so that we might reflect on the Lord’s presence and the Mystery of the Eucharist which we are about to celebrate.

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